Sunday, November 14, 2010

Top of the line Poker Face

I'm sure I'm not the only one that does this.... As things start to settle down at my house at night, and being the night owl I am, I'm usually the last one up. Regardless of how tired I am, I will just sit there refusing to go to bed. I honestly think I am worse than an infant fighting their sleep at times. But while sitting here, my mind starts to think, think, think, think, and think some more. I will literally sit and think about things from stuff that happened years ago, to current events, and so on... And more often then not, I get myself all tore up over thinking about how people are. At times it's a good quality I have, and at others it is my own worst enemy but I am definitely what you would call an analyzer. I will analyze every situation in my life over and over, picking up on new things every time I rethink it. Yes, it is annoying at times and drives me crazy. But it also comes in handy because I will pick up on what you're trying to pull on me before the words ever leave your mouth. More often then not, I already know what you are up to before you even figure it out. Most people think I don't because I also have this wonderful talent of playing stupid. I can often already know the truth behind things and then when they are telling me a made up lie to cover their butts, I just smile or do the "OMG" face, and ask silly questions to get silly answers to make myself look even more naive and ignorant, when in all reality the only ignorant one is them for falling for what I just did and thinking they pulled it over on me. WARNING: My tactic works every time. I guess you could say, I have a top of the line Poker Face :)

And in the mix of thinking about how people are, I start to think about what they actually do in their lives instead of the lies they make up. For instance, I absolutely will never have any respect for someone who I believe is not a fit mother. I don't care if you change later in life, which most don't, I will never no matter what have a full amount of respect for them. And every time I have met or seen someone like this on TV, they are truly convinced that they are the best mothers around. And they will speak this verbally, over and over. Don't get me wrong, I think every mother wants a little recognition here and there in order to know that what she does doesn't go unrecognized, but when you have to TELL people you are a good mother, it's just not natural to me. Yes, I speak often of how I feel about Trenton, but that by no means is me fishing for any compliment as to what kind of mother I am. I'm just simply a ball of emotions when it comes to my son. And I'm sure all of you know a person like I'm talking about. There is usually one in the group always. I just don't understand how anybody can put anything or anyone before their child. It's like a natural thing to them. They never even think twice about it. They would rather spend their money on themselves, and it shows. They will have the latest trends in clothes, but their kid is as unkept as a broom closet. And it is always very apparent on whether or not they interact with their children because if the kid doesn't seem to know anything for their age level, and can't even hardly talk for their age, something is wrong with that. And I am referring to perfectly healthy kids, not any children that may have something delaying them in things. Or what about the ones that believe the father owes them something so they make them do everything for the kids? Whether it be buying everything they need (which yes they need to help out, but the mothers need to also!) or leaving everything the kid needs done left up to them. I have known women with children before that if I didn't already know they had a kid, you would never know by talking to them. They never mention their kids. Not even something they did that was funny, or got in trouble for, just nothing. And if you bring their kid up, when you talk to them there are no emotions behind it. Most mother's get the glazed over, deer in the headlights look when they speak of their child. It's almost as if you could see their heart beat in their pupil when asked about their kids. And for a mother not to get that, it just seems absurd to me. Very unnatural I guess. It's a disgrace to me really. And these are the mother's that reassure everybody that they are good mother's every single time you talk to them..... and maybe they are, but just have a different way of showing it in front of others? I mean, that is possible I guess. I just know that all of the other mother's in the world that give a darn about their children, don't act that way, and definitely don't have that emotionless look or tone in their voice when asked about their kids. But hey- I am no specialist here so this is a matter of my opinion!

Oh, another thing I can't stand. A thief. I don't care if they are stealing from a store, a friend, or relative. I can not stand them. I have known people that steals from places and it used to not bother me because it's their life, and what they choose to do is on them. They will be the one that pays the consequences in the end. But as I have gotten older, and married with a family of my own, I have gotten to where I absolutely despise it. We by far have worked hard for what we have, and David continues to work hard for us. It is aggravating to me when someone has all of these nice clothes and different things that I would love to have but don't have the extra money to get, and they have done nothing but steal every bit of it. They will walk out of the house dressed like they are fit to own a Mercedes when in all reality they don't have a pot to piss in. And they talk about this like it is something normal in everyday life. Yes, I'm sure there are a ton of people in the world that do this but it is yet another thing that I can't respect someone for if they do it. I mean hell, I'm sure we could all have new clothes to wear everyday if we were the type to just go to the store and steal it. Amazingly enough, these people know what to do in order to take it back and get the money for it and so forth. They are merely nothing but con artist. They would rather take the chance of going to jail and paying a crap load of fines rather than just pay for the dang $5 pair of earrings or whatever else it is. And to top it off, this is a small town and these people go to the same stores and do it regularly. Now, how in the world has it not caught up with them yet? I think that is what aggravates me more than anything about it. Is that they laugh and brag about it, and have still managed to get away with it after all these years. It's almost one of those things where it seems like the bad stuff always happens to good people and the bad people always get away. Oh, I know.... "Good guys always finish last!" And being that they steal everything they have, that is probably why they respect nothing about their life or appreciate anything at all. When you have to work hard for what you have, you appreciate it more. Being they just walk in, and browse and automatically get what they want, they have no appreciation what so ever!

And while I am on my midnight kick of dislikes, I am going to add to the fact that even though you may be my best friend, I still do not just walk in your house and start going through things like it is my own. I may have been to your house a dozen times, but I will never just walk to the fridge and start eating and drinking whatever I want out of it. I always ask. This is such a pet peeve of mine, that I have always taught Trenton to ask before he does anything like that to the point that he will come to me and ask me if he can have a juice box from our fridge! I have told him a million times that he doesn't have to ask me for a single thing when it comes to wanting something to eat or drink in his own home. But, at least he knows that doing that is something that is unacceptable in our family at someone else's house. And it is always my luck that when I have a spic and span kitchen, that's when they come in my house and start fixing food, making messes and not cleaning up after themselves. If they asked me first just out of respect, I honestly would not have a problem with this at all. I do not care to share what I have with anyone. It's just the manner of how they go about doing it. Very disrespectful.

And it seems my list goes on... What about the people you know that have a whole pack of cigarettes in their car but yet they will come and keep getting them off of you so that they can save theirs for themselves. And oddly enough, that is another thing they seem to never ask about. They tell you. "Hey let me get a smoke off you". Trenton and I made a deal that if he went a month with no bad notes sent home from school that I would quit smoking. Being I can't break my word to little Trenton, it looks like I will soon be a non-smoker, thank god! I've been wanting to stop for a while but just don't have the motivation or drive in it for myself, but when it comes to him, I can do it. I will be so glad when I do simply because of the money spent on it, and also for the people that demand cigarettes off of me all the time.

What about the people that tell you that you are gonna do a favor for them? No, they don't ask you to. They tell you to. Apparently they have learned me well enough because if they had, they would know that if you tell me to do anything, I won't. Ask me, and I will consider it and usually do it.

Oh, and lets not forget the people that don't take care of their stuff, so they don't care if they mess yours up or not? David and I have just recently got into a position in our life where we can actually pick out things we want if in our means, rather than settling for the absolute cheapest. I take a lot of pride in our belongings. I want them to remain nice. So when someone comes over and is smoking a cigarette on my $200 brand new chiffon comforter in my bedroom where no smoking is allowed to begin with, and I ask them to get up off of it because if the smallest ash was to fall on it it would burn a hole right through it, and they argue with me that they will in a minute. Who in the hell does that? I mean, they may ash all over everything at their house, and not take pride in what they have, but I will be damned if you are going to come in my house and romp and roam through it like you own it, and do as you please even after you have been asked repeatedly not to time after time!

And I'm sure we all know someone who always is trying to make it look like they are better than everyone and seem to think that everyone is just jealous of them. Another thing I can not stand in someone! First off, if you have to reassure everyone that you are better than them, 9 times out of 10 you are just trying to cover up the true cracks in your life. These are the people who want to be something so bad in life, but have managed to do everything wrong in going about to do it. I have never claimed to be better than anybody else ever in my life. I have had to crawl before I walked in order to get where I am today. I didn't just jump in head first and get myself into deep water by trying to have things outside of my means of money, and end up in a worst situation with less than I had before. No, I still do not have everything I would like to have in life, as most of the world doesn't, but I am not mad at the people that do. Nor, am I upset that I don't. I have more now than I had 2 years ago, so what is there to be upset about? As long as we keep doing what we're doing and working hard, I'm sure we will have more next year at this time than we do now. I find it funny also, that amazingly enough, these people that claim to be better than the next, and who think everyone is jealous of them always have more dark secrets than anybody else. And it's even funnier when the truth is revealed because you can't live a lie forever. Lies always catch back up to you!

And last but not least for my rants tonight... The hot girl who isn't so hot. Ever noticed that the girls who would be somewhat attractive if they had a good attitude to go with it, never have the attitude or personality to fit it, only making them ugly? I know quite a few of these people myself. They usually claim to have a lot of self confidence in their appearances but at the same time they will put everyone else's looks down in order to try and get the guys attention on them. If you have such high self esteem you shouldn't need everybody else's approval right? And no matter what people tell them, or what happens because of their actions, they still think that they are the epitome of what a guy wants when in reality guys cant stand them. Any girl can get a guy to sleep with them, but any girl can't get a guy to put a ring on their finger. And no, this is not a rant of me being jealous of anybody because I do not want to be like these girls at all! I don't want to be like them so much to the point that I actually am not friends with them anymore. Hang around people and you get the reputation those people hold. Guilty by association. It will get ya every time!

And with all of this being said, I am by no means what so ever judging anybody. I have spoken only the truth of true events and actions taken place by these people. Everyone has their pet peeves and these are a few characteristic pet peeves I have. Which, these pet peeves have really only came about in the past year or so. Maybe its called maturing and growing up? Maybe its just called getting on my nerves. Either way, it aggravates the piss out of me enough that I have sat here at almost 1 am and shared it all with you. :)

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