Friday, November 12, 2010

The planes are in the air, and the F-Bomb just hit the ground!

If you are a parent, you may be able to relate to me when I say that I believe it is every parents wish to be able to have such a close relationship with your child that they feel like they can talk to you about anything. And I do mean, Anything at all. For me at least, this is something that I pray Trenton and I will be able to hold onto no matter what age and what phase he is going through. Even though a 7yr old is "just a 7yr old", there are still many things that go through their little minds that I never dreamed of. I'm sure I the same had different worries and things going on at that age, I just am not able to remember exactly what emotions and trials I faced at that age other than which Barbie was going to be my pick of the day, and then of course picking one of the hundreds of outfits I had for her was just as important. With Trenton, there are so many different things that he talks to me about. Whether it be something he learned at school, something he saw on the news (which I really have to watch myself on when I am watching the news... Trenton doesn't forget anything! It will literally bother him for weeks...), something he has imagined, and the list goes on. I have always tried to be open with Trenton and never lie to him about anything. Yes, I may leave out a few details due to filtering it for a 7 yr old's mind, but I try to be as open as possible. I have a fear that if I lie to him about certain things now even to protect him at this point in time until he is old enough, when he does get older and realizes the truth behind things, he won't trust me and we won't have such a close relationship. I think it is every child's dream to have a parent that they can talk to about anything without fear of being in trouble. Don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer that you must be the parent first, and then the friend, but no parent can tell me they don't want to be able to have the friendship relationship with their child. Right now, I can honestly say that Trenton comes to me about everything. He is very open and honest with me, and for that, I could not ask for anymore out of him. I am very appreciative of the relationship Trenton and I have. We have a very special bond, and it is the most absolute incredible feeling in the world. I make sure when Trenton is talking to me and asks me to pinkie promise that I won't tell anyone, I do just that. I keep it to myself. I can't imagine how upsetting it would be to Trenton to think he trusted me with something so deep within his little heart that he didn't feel comfortable with anyone else knowing, and to find out I told it. Plus, everyone knows... you NEVER break a pinkie promise!

And although I have instilled this very trustworthy bond between us, I was by all means no where prepared for the event that happened today.....

Let me first say that Trenton was in the best mood when I picked him up from school today! His name was drawn from the bucket of caught being good tickets, so he got to go to the office and pick a prize from the prize box. Of course, Trenton picks glow in the dark Vampire teeth :) And might I add, that Edward better watch out! If word gets around at how good looking of a vampire Trenton makes, Edward will be nothing but fishpaste as Trenton would say! :) So after a very talkative ride home, we got here and he went to his room to play and watch TV. After about 30 minutes he came running in here and started to tell me something, and just like numerous occasions to was interrupted by "OHHHHH GOTTA PEE!" I'm not really sure how it has came about in our household, but the whole peaceful bathroom moments, are non-existent. Trenton is notorious for not shutting the door while peeing. And he is also notorious for talking to you while he is peeing, and even trying to yell and talk to you through the door while of course doing the #2 deed. So after running in the bathroom, he is doing the usual, peeing while still going on with what he intended to tell me in the first place. If you know Trenton, when he gets excited he is just like me. He's starts talking and within minutes his mouth is going mach 9. Needless to say, I never caught exactly what it was that he had seen on TV to spark this excitement but between the sound of him peeing, the toilet flushing, and then the running water while he washed his hands, he informed me that a man said "Get the F&%# out of here!" YES, my heart fell to the ground. Did my son really just drop the f bomb on me? Yes, he did. First the thought that I need to start blocking certain rated channels ran through my mind, then the what do I do? Do I punish him for it?.. Trenton and I had a talk, and he informed me that he was not saying it to be ugly (that is the term we use for being "bad"), that he was just repeating what that man said on TV. Of course, I reminded him that he is to never say words like that, and even if he thinks he can say it when I'm not around and think I won't know, he is wrong and that mommy's always know everything! :) Naturally as Trenton always does, he got the worried look on his face that he had disappointed me. And although I can not lie, it definitely caught me off guard, and it definitely made me realize he is no longer a baby, and a piece of my heart hit the ground the same time my jaw did, I could not be upset at him over it because of one simple thought he he had and said to me during our conversation...."I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean it to be ugly, I just wanted to tell you what the man said. You always tell me that I can tell you anything and you won't be mad at me."

The one thing I have always assured him of, and the one thing I have always hoped and prayed that he would know deep in his heart, came true. Regardless of the situation, he came to me and told me about it. It may have been a situation I definitely was not expecting at that given moment.... but it was a moment of pure joy in a weird way. Although Trenton knew better than to say that word, he still felt comfortable enough to come talk to me about it anyway. Now, If I can only figure out a way for him to keep this up through out every situation and experience he faces in life, my wish will come true!

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