Monday, July 25, 2011

Journalism in the big city of cheating

If you know me, and know me well, Hell even if you don't know me but have me as a friend on facebook, then you know that I do entirely too much thinking these days. Don't get me wrong, an active mind an be a very, very good thing but an obsessive mind can drive you crazy. And with that being said, you probably already know what I am about to say! =) I've been thinking.......

I've been doing some thinking and I believe it is time to do something with my life. Yes, I am in school and am over halfway done and have every intention of finishing but when I think about what it is that I am going to be doing after school is over, I don't picture myself being anywhere around Glasgow. Well, let me rephrase that! I don't want to be anywhere around Glasgow!! I am so ready to just move from this town that I never once had dreams of staying in or near a day in my life to begin with. Cosmetology is not the best thing to do in a town that has a school for it and a million hair dressers and shops in. I think this town has more cosmetologists than anything! Especially with as small of a town as it is, this place has nothing to better my future when it comes to cosmetology. Yes, I miss doing hair in a shop like crazy and have every intention of getting back in one when school is over. If I love it then why am I back in school you ask? Well, let me explain! Since day one I have had intentions, plans, and dreams of opening my own salon. And as the years have gone by, I have watched so many independent business owners open their doors and close them within a matter of a few months to a year. Some of that could be caused from trying to open something in a town that has no future being nobody in this town believes in spending money. Hey! You get what you pay for!! i used to not believe that but trust me, I am a full believer now! And along with the problem of nobody wanting to spend money, you have the problem of people opening these places up without knowing how to run and manage a business so I figured if I knew how to run a shop then at least when I go bankrupt it wouldn't be because I didn't know what I was doing. =) But regardless of how well I can run a business, if nobody wants to spend money then it is never going to turn into what my dreams picture it being. So in school I am, to get my business degree!

Even though these have been my hopes and dreams for as long as I can remember, in the past year or so, I have pictured it happening but just not in Glasgow. You wouldn't be able to look at me right now and believe it but my whole life I have had this ambition in me to prove to the world that I am not going to just be a nobody. Somewhere in the world people are going to know who I am. Not just who I am, but what I have made happen for myself and what I have become. Sounds cliche', I know but I am dead serious. And with the way this town is, I am sure this paragraph alone is getting some applause good laughs in right now. I have never in my life seen a town so stuck up yet so negative at the same time. The only reason people are known in this town is because their families never left. It's not because they have really done anything big with their lives or accomplished something major. Seriously! Think about it! Which, lord forbid if something good is happening to someone! Everybody is so miserable in this town they cant stand to see another individual succeed or be happy. I hate small town living. Small town thoughts. Small town attitudes. I want to be where everybody doesn't know everybody. Where some privacy in your life does exist because there are too many people to just focus on anybody other than yourself. Also, in the big cities, you have so many more opportunities! Heck, even working as a server you would make triple what you ever would here!! I have every intention and hope in the world of owning and running a successful salon one day, but I do indeed love to write and while I have been doing all of this thinking, I have actually considered journalism. I would absolutely LOVE to work for a famous magazine writing columns and articles for it! That would be soooo up my ally! =) Who knows? Maybe once I get away and open a salon, I can go back to school for journalism and then have the chance to live up everything I have ever dreamed of doing? You never know!! It could happen! Anything you put your mind to can happen! And who knows! Maybe I could have my own book one day! =)

I know that some may think I am crazy for thinking this way or that I am being conceited in some weird warped way but I also know that the people that usually think like that when reading or hearing someone say these things are the people that are jealous,envious,spiteful,etc..... you know who I am talking about! Everybody knows someone like I just described! Everybody does!! I have a few that come to mind! More than I like to claim I know actually.... I don't get why people just cant be happy for someone else around here. When i find out something good happening to someone I know, or hear about what they want to do in life, I actually get excited for them. Why in the world would anybody want to see another person fail? Even worse, why would anybody wish to see them fail? That is something I will never in my life understand. The same as I don't get the whole jealousy thing some people have. Why in the world would you be jealous of somebody else? Being jealous does nothing for you. It's not going to change your looks, or your life. The only thing that can change anything in your life is yourself and yourself only. And if these people would spend as much time and energy trying to change their life as they do focusing on someone else's and criticizing, they would turn out to be something huge in this world. Unfortunately, they have bad energy and that's the type of energy that keeps them running in place instead of up the hill.... Heck, maybe I should just be a psychiatrist with the way I study and analyze everything!! haha! The human mind can be a very fascinating thing to learn about! Sometimes, I cant help but giggle when someone thinks they have the world fooled yet you see right through them and can tell them more about their actions and why they do the things they do, than they could explain about themselves.

Oh my, I am watching Steve Wilkos while creating this blog and I swear, this man on here has really got my mind going! lol Okay, he admits that he has cheated on his wife 3 times. When Steve asked him why he cheated on her, he response was "my wife only sleeps with me 6 times a year and I needed another woman to give me the attention my wife wasn't giving me." Yes, I am certain that some of you may think he is scum for cheating on her, and although I don't believe in cheating because why be with someone if you're just going to cheat on them all the time? I mean, aren't you with someone because you love them? Supposedly! And If you love this person then why would you intentionally want to hurt them the way cheating does? It just makes no sense to me. BUT back to where I am going with this!.... I actually see why he did cheat on her... I totally get his story. BUT what in the world made this man think that cheating on her would get her to sleep with him more? Surely he knew she was going to cut him off for sure after she found out!!! And surely she couldn't have been too shocked when she found out he cheated again! I mean think about it.... he cheats because she isn't sleeping with him enough, she finds out, cuts him off. So what did she think he was going to do once she cut him off completely if he already wasn't satisfied with only 6 times a year? Lets see... he cheated on me because he wasn't getting it enough, so now that I've cut him off, I'm sure he will stay at home. Yeah right!! She should have seen it coming! It couldn't have smacked her in the face any harder than if she had told him he could and he did! lol

Now that I have gotten off topic and lost my train of thought, I suppose I could do the honor of ending this one....=) Plus, better save your eyes, I feel a new one sooner than you think!

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