Monday, December 6, 2010

Mommy said it was a good deed

My little Trenton turned the big 8 yesterday! Now, that is something that is definately hard to grasp! It seems just like he was just born yesterday! It's true when they say that time flies when you're having fun. Has to be the way these 8 years have flown by! But I must say, they have definitely been some of the most heart warming years of my life. When he was born I had no clue the love, compassion and joy he truly was about to introduce into my life! I've never felt a love as strong as the love I have for Trenton. Before him, I would almost swear that it was non-existent. Obviously, my little squirt proved me wrong!

We had a birthday party for him here at the house yesterday with close friends and family along with some of mine and Trenton's favorite finger foods. Although it was his big day, me being the finger food lover of all time, I of course had to add in my favorites as well! :) The party was as chaotic as it could get for a mother being used to only one kid running around... and probably ten times more stressful that you even imagined from that last sentence! :)

As it does to every person with money nearly, Trenton's birthday money was burning a hole in his pocket! After a check  at the doctor office (thank god no finger pokes!), and Trenton being as well behaved as they come while I was doing my schedule for next semesters classes, we went out to burn that money! He had asked if we could check if Fred's had pokemon characters since we are lucky enough to have not one single other store that carries them, in which Fred's did not. Naturally, when he then asked to proceed to Kmart, I couldnt find it in my heart to dare tell the sweet little guy no.

We were walking through the door to Kmart and there was a man standing there with the salvation army bucket, ringing the bell. I didn't think anything of it at the time but as we made our way to the toy department, Trenton had asked what that man was doing. The only thing that came to mind as a perfect explanation without a million questions since Trenton has to analyze every single thing in life, was that it was to help children who's parents cant afford to buy them any christmas presents. A good explanation followed by a very honest question. "How come the kids don't get any presents from Santa? Santa doesn't have to buy toys." Needless to say, I spotted a toy and got off topic as quick as I possibly could! :)

After about an hour, Trenton made his decision on what to buy with his money. The Simpsons Movie, the old school rudolph the red nose reindeer movie, a R2D2 version of the boardgame trouble, a battleship with 7 airplanes that came along with it, a pack of starbursts, and a 2 musketeer candy bar. After paying for his new things himself, Trenton had $6 left. Of course, we had to make a stop at the stuffed animal machine for him to spend $2 on trying to get an animal with no such luck as it seems to be whenever you try those machines. Then he turned around, got $2 from his pocket and walked right over to the man ringing the bell, and put it in the red bucket. You would think the boy just won a million dollars with the proud look he had on his face! Not to mention, I was as proud of a mother as you come by at that moment! I bragged and bragged on him and told him how he did a good deed and when I referred to what he did as that, he then began to get even more satisfaction from it. If more people could have the love and compassion in their heart that Trenton holds in his towards things in life, I'm telling ya, the world would be a better place!

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