Growing up, the aggrivating never seemed to cease. I would bang and knock on my older brother's door while he and his friends were in there and beg for them to let me in. With me being 7 years younger than he, there wasn't much at the time that we actually had in common other than we lived in the same house, and had the same parents and pets. :) Of course as we have gotten older, the aggrivating hasn't ever really stopped (which I love), and although we may live a million miles from each other as it seems at times, we are really only that much closer. It doesn't matter what is going on in my life, I can call my brother and just tell him what is going on and he will drop everything and just listen to me. Even if he doesn't have the perfect answer for me, he always has the perfect ear for listening. And more times than not, he always has a word of advice that comforts me in whatever situation I may find myself in. I just wish that he lived closer so that we could experience more than just a phone call from each other. I miss the jokes we played on our mom, and believe it or not, I miss the rants we used to have when one or the other made the other mad. But hey, I guess it makes our visits to see each other that more appreciated in the long run! And when they don't... I do indeed catch myself huffing and puffing and sighing saying "Oh, Brother!" :)
And now it is the time of the year for the big let down to begin. I always get so excited and amped up over Christmas! I love buying things for people and being able to visit them and wear a nice sweater, and take a million pictures! Only bad thing is, when it's all done and over with, I have what you call the big let down. Nothing to look forward to for atleast another 5 months. You're asking what happens in 5 months? uh... SUMMER! I have like a snake in a hen house during summer. I love the sun, the tans, the water, the endless amounts of days I get to spend with Trenton, the longer days! Everything dealing with Summer, I love! And on top of summer being an exciting thing in 5 months, may also marks mine and David's 1 year annivesary! :) I can't wait! For one, David has mentioned that he wants to take me on our honeymoon this summer since we were married on the flood of the nation and couldn't get passed Nashville in order to get to go on our real one when we got married. And on top of that, we have mentioned that we may turn our honeymoon into our first family vacation. David and I have been on vacation, and I have been on vacation's with Trenton, but we have never been on a vacation with just the 3 of us! Feels good to call ourselves a family. It just makes everything seem right!
And tomorrow I get the privelage of going to New Albany to a big fancy new years eve party! David gets to wear his new suit, and thank to my brother, I get to go get a new sparkly dress! I have always wanted to go to a party where I got to where a pretty sparkly cocktail dress, but have never in my life had the chance to do so, So by my brother making this possible for me, it means a lot! I get to finally do what I have wanted to do since I turned 21!! And on top of it all, I get to ring in the new year with a best friend that I don't get to see nowhere near enough! My brother saved the day, and it truly means the world to me! :) Big brother's always save the day!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Thanks, Trenton got it for me!
If you remember, my last post consisted of me having a horrible guilt trip over getting Trenton upset over the Christmas gift shop at his school. Remember my big fuschia ring he got me? If so, great! You've done your homework on me! :) If not, you are about to soon learn about it.
First, let me start by saying that I have wore my ring everyday since I recieved it. I absolutely love it! And apparently, people around me also do! I have recieved more compliments about my ring than any other piece of jewelry I have ever worn! I had 2 compliments just tonight! And don't for a second think that Trenton has not been quick to inform them on just where is came from! Rest assured that he has gotten the biggest smile with every compliment recieved and assured everyone that "he got it for his mommy for christmas because he just knew his mommy would love it when she seen it!"
Having a child has made me so appreciative of the smallest things in life. The goodnight hugs and kisses, funny tales, a hold of my hand crossing a street or parking lot, sweet, sweet chuckles, the look of excitement in his eyes, snuggling while watching tv, and not to forget the never ending compliments he gives me daily. I never dreamed that the things I cherished most in life would be those that cost not a penny. Of course, I do realize that as he gets older this things will soon start to fade, so don't for a second think that I take them for granted! Trenton and I have always had a very special bond and I pray that it continues over time through out his life. I have had a many of fears when it comes to him. The thought of not getting to see him through a horrendous custody battle is always the main one that comes to mind... I used to hold a lot of resentment towards people when it came to that event in my life, but just over the past year, I have been able to let go of that feeling and most be thankful for their ignorance on it. Because of them scaring Trenton and I to death that we would possibly be seperated from each other, it only made us closer. Trenton may only be 8yrs old. But let me tell ya, he is no fool! One may think that at 5 yrs old, he wouldn't know what was going on and wouldn't look at things like an adult would, but Trenton did. He knew exactly what was happening and what was at stake, and even he at the time, began to show appreciation of us being together. Now, It's a wonderful feeling knowing that we have always been close, but have been even closer since that time. He's my biggins, my bub, my T-Lane, my heart. He's my world and the reason I wake up every morning. I can't imagine what life would possibly be like without him in it! Miserable, depressing, boring, and lonely are a few ways that come to mind. Ways that definitely would not make me a happy person who enjoys life as I do now with him being a part of it! And it all goes back to me describing my love for him, in which if you are a mother you understand. Even if every mother wants to think their love for their child is stronger and truer, *wink* :) I promise it doesnt get any stronger than it is at this end of the computer! :)
First, let me start by saying that I have wore my ring everyday since I recieved it. I absolutely love it! And apparently, people around me also do! I have recieved more compliments about my ring than any other piece of jewelry I have ever worn! I had 2 compliments just tonight! And don't for a second think that Trenton has not been quick to inform them on just where is came from! Rest assured that he has gotten the biggest smile with every compliment recieved and assured everyone that "he got it for his mommy for christmas because he just knew his mommy would love it when she seen it!"
Having a child has made me so appreciative of the smallest things in life. The goodnight hugs and kisses, funny tales, a hold of my hand crossing a street or parking lot, sweet, sweet chuckles, the look of excitement in his eyes, snuggling while watching tv, and not to forget the never ending compliments he gives me daily. I never dreamed that the things I cherished most in life would be those that cost not a penny. Of course, I do realize that as he gets older this things will soon start to fade, so don't for a second think that I take them for granted! Trenton and I have always had a very special bond and I pray that it continues over time through out his life. I have had a many of fears when it comes to him. The thought of not getting to see him through a horrendous custody battle is always the main one that comes to mind... I used to hold a lot of resentment towards people when it came to that event in my life, but just over the past year, I have been able to let go of that feeling and most be thankful for their ignorance on it. Because of them scaring Trenton and I to death that we would possibly be seperated from each other, it only made us closer. Trenton may only be 8yrs old. But let me tell ya, he is no fool! One may think that at 5 yrs old, he wouldn't know what was going on and wouldn't look at things like an adult would, but Trenton did. He knew exactly what was happening and what was at stake, and even he at the time, began to show appreciation of us being together. Now, It's a wonderful feeling knowing that we have always been close, but have been even closer since that time. He's my biggins, my bub, my T-Lane, my heart. He's my world and the reason I wake up every morning. I can't imagine what life would possibly be like without him in it! Miserable, depressing, boring, and lonely are a few ways that come to mind. Ways that definitely would not make me a happy person who enjoys life as I do now with him being a part of it! And it all goes back to me describing my love for him, in which if you are a mother you understand. Even if every mother wants to think their love for their child is stronger and truer, *wink* :) I promise it doesnt get any stronger than it is at this end of the computer! :)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
survivor snowmen and grampa rings
This morning I sent $20 with Trenton to school so that he could go shopping in the little christmas store to buy gifts for me, david, nana, and his friend Lucas without me being there and seeing them and having to pay for them. Excited is an understatement for what he was! The school provided a little envelope that you wrote the names of the people he was shopping for on, the most money he was allowed to spend on them, and then it had a place where he would write how much he spent on each person so I would know when he got home. When he got home... starts the story....
I got to my mom's to pick him up this afternoon, and as soon as I got there he was ready to give me mine, and show me what else he got. Of course I was excited to see what he had picked out for me! He pulls out a pin that is a snowman for Nana, and then give me a ring with a huge fuschia stone in the middle that actually looks like it came from a gumball machine ( I love it though!), and he pulls out an ink pen that says "grampa" on it for David (I will explain this in a minute), and then pulls out 2 survivor kits that are tape measures, pens, flashlights, and screwdrivers all in one. Before I could say anything, Trenton explained to me that one survivor kit was for Lucas and the other for him and that he paid $8 a piece for them. My jaw instantly dropped open! They by no means were worth $8 a piece! And I by no means was trying to be mean or rude when I asked Trenton why he got himself one, and he said because he liked it. So I tried to explain to him that the money was for him to buy gifts for people for christmas, not for himself and that christmas is about giving and not recieving. No sooner than the words left my mouth, he got the look on him as if he was just heart broken. His chin started to quiver and he was holding back the tears. I asked what was wrong, and he took off running to his bedroom and said "Nothing! I don't even want my survivor kit now!" Naturally, I felt HORRIBLE! So I went to his room to talk to him, and was asking what was wrong, and he kept saying he didnt want it anymore which only made me feel even worse about the situation. So I told him it was okay, and that he could keep his and that nobody was telling him he couldn't have it, and that I just didn't understand why he spent so much money on those 2 things and only left $4 to be spent between 3 other people. Next words out of his mouth.. "Mommy I thought you all would like them! It didn't matter how much they cost!"... another stab to my heart. So after reassuring him that I loved my ring, and that Nana loved her pin, he started to calm down. But while on the topic, I just had to ask, "why did you get David a pen that says Grampa on it?" As tears came back to his eyes, he said, "I wanted to get him a pen because I know he has to use pens at work all the time and I just couldn't find one that said dad on it, only grampa. I'm just a loser for getting that but I was going to take a marker and scribble grampa out of it so he would never know!"... the stab that literally took my heart out nearly. I just sat there for a moment.. I myself was now coming to tears. I felt awful! After I finally got him calmed down and assured him that David would love it, I myself couldn't get over it. Here I was telling him about what the true meaning of christmas is, and I acted awful myself over it! I wasn't upset over what he got us.. shocked considering the money I sent with him and nothing being over $8 there.... I guess I just assumed he would have gotten a lot more for his money. And I wasn't upset that he got himself something.. just trying to make a point that he gets things all the time through out the year, and never gets to buy for other people... and I by no means was making fun of the grampa pen, I literally was just wondering why get something that said Grampa? So after all of this happening, I have been in the worst funk all night long. It's one of those things you just feel so guilty over and ashamed of that you can't quit reliving it over and over in your mind. Some may think I am overreacting to this, but this has literally just broken my heart tonight. I could cry just thinking about it as I write this! He was so pitiful over it, and was truly upset! Every mother knows when their child is truly upset or just faking, and this was beyond just being upset. It was almost as if I made his heart feel as sad as I made my own tonight. I do believe it was a lesson learned for the both of us... a heart wrenching one for me atleast. :(
I got to my mom's to pick him up this afternoon, and as soon as I got there he was ready to give me mine, and show me what else he got. Of course I was excited to see what he had picked out for me! He pulls out a pin that is a snowman for Nana, and then give me a ring with a huge fuschia stone in the middle that actually looks like it came from a gumball machine ( I love it though!), and he pulls out an ink pen that says "grampa" on it for David (I will explain this in a minute), and then pulls out 2 survivor kits that are tape measures, pens, flashlights, and screwdrivers all in one. Before I could say anything, Trenton explained to me that one survivor kit was for Lucas and the other for him and that he paid $8 a piece for them. My jaw instantly dropped open! They by no means were worth $8 a piece! And I by no means was trying to be mean or rude when I asked Trenton why he got himself one, and he said because he liked it. So I tried to explain to him that the money was for him to buy gifts for people for christmas, not for himself and that christmas is about giving and not recieving. No sooner than the words left my mouth, he got the look on him as if he was just heart broken. His chin started to quiver and he was holding back the tears. I asked what was wrong, and he took off running to his bedroom and said "Nothing! I don't even want my survivor kit now!" Naturally, I felt HORRIBLE! So I went to his room to talk to him, and was asking what was wrong, and he kept saying he didnt want it anymore which only made me feel even worse about the situation. So I told him it was okay, and that he could keep his and that nobody was telling him he couldn't have it, and that I just didn't understand why he spent so much money on those 2 things and only left $4 to be spent between 3 other people. Next words out of his mouth.. "Mommy I thought you all would like them! It didn't matter how much they cost!"... another stab to my heart. So after reassuring him that I loved my ring, and that Nana loved her pin, he started to calm down. But while on the topic, I just had to ask, "why did you get David a pen that says Grampa on it?" As tears came back to his eyes, he said, "I wanted to get him a pen because I know he has to use pens at work all the time and I just couldn't find one that said dad on it, only grampa. I'm just a loser for getting that but I was going to take a marker and scribble grampa out of it so he would never know!"... the stab that literally took my heart out nearly. I just sat there for a moment.. I myself was now coming to tears. I felt awful! After I finally got him calmed down and assured him that David would love it, I myself couldn't get over it. Here I was telling him about what the true meaning of christmas is, and I acted awful myself over it! I wasn't upset over what he got us.. shocked considering the money I sent with him and nothing being over $8 there.... I guess I just assumed he would have gotten a lot more for his money. And I wasn't upset that he got himself something.. just trying to make a point that he gets things all the time through out the year, and never gets to buy for other people... and I by no means was making fun of the grampa pen, I literally was just wondering why get something that said Grampa? So after all of this happening, I have been in the worst funk all night long. It's one of those things you just feel so guilty over and ashamed of that you can't quit reliving it over and over in your mind. Some may think I am overreacting to this, but this has literally just broken my heart tonight. I could cry just thinking about it as I write this! He was so pitiful over it, and was truly upset! Every mother knows when their child is truly upset or just faking, and this was beyond just being upset. It was almost as if I made his heart feel as sad as I made my own tonight. I do believe it was a lesson learned for the both of us... a heart wrenching one for me atleast. :(
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Introducing.... the New kids onnnnnnnnn the Block
Well, I thought I was going to be able to mark #18 off of my bucket list... but I don't get to. News of The New Kids on The Block coming to Nashville was heard, and needless to say, I got as excited as I did when I was 5 listening to them! But after trying to figure out money for christmas and that, it isn't going to happen. But hey, what can I really complain about? Trenton will have Christmas gifts and that alone beats the excitement of going to see NKOTB anyday! Although, I have to admit, I am dieing to go see them one last time! And as I WAS disappointed over not being able to buy tickets this morning for it, although David said something to me last night that made it all okay to me... When we were talking about how much the tickets were, he told me to go on and buy one and go with my friends and he would just stay home. What? Did I just hear him right? So I asked what he meant by stay home? He then proceeded to tell me that he actually had plans on going with me.. and that of course they are not a group he has ever cared for by any means, but he likes to experience things with me and wanted to go to see me all excited and in awe over them. I have to say it was one of the sweetest things I had ever heard. Oddly enough, when hearing about the concert, I actually had a thought run through my head "I wish I could talk David into going with me" but I let that hope fall off the cliff fast by assuming that he wouldn't be caught dead at one of their concerts! So to hear him tell me the things he was saying, and listening to him tell me that even if he doesn't like something, he will never hold me back from getting to experience it, and likes to go with me anyway because he enjoys going places and doing things with me... it soon made the disappointment go away and the warm feeling of love swarm my heart. Needless to say, I am "okay" with not going to the concert. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason whether or not I ever know what the reason may be, and I truly believe me not getting to go to the concert happened for a reason. If we had figured out the money to just buy the tickets, then I may have never known the way David feels about doing things with me. And to that, I am actually grateful for the circumstances of not getting to go see my favorite childhood band in which I still have all 5 barbie dolls of, and in which I had the lunchbox, all tapes of their songs, and all concerts on tape from pay-per-view, along with the bedsheets, pajamas, cups, posters, sleeping bag, button pins, etc... :) AND- my title to this blog does have a meaning, for that is how they ALWAYS introduced the new kids on the block as they came out on the stage :)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Mommy said it was a good deed
My little Trenton turned the big 8 yesterday! Now, that is something that is definately hard to grasp! It seems just like he was just born yesterday! It's true when they say that time flies when you're having fun. Has to be the way these 8 years have flown by! But I must say, they have definitely been some of the most heart warming years of my life. When he was born I had no clue the love, compassion and joy he truly was about to introduce into my life! I've never felt a love as strong as the love I have for Trenton. Before him, I would almost swear that it was non-existent. Obviously, my little squirt proved me wrong!
We had a birthday party for him here at the house yesterday with close friends and family along with some of mine and Trenton's favorite finger foods. Although it was his big day, me being the finger food lover of all time, I of course had to add in my favorites as well! :) The party was as chaotic as it could get for a mother being used to only one kid running around... and probably ten times more stressful that you even imagined from that last sentence! :)
As it does to every person with money nearly, Trenton's birthday money was burning a hole in his pocket! After a check at the doctor office (thank god no finger pokes!), and Trenton being as well behaved as they come while I was doing my schedule for next semesters classes, we went out to burn that money! He had asked if we could check if Fred's had pokemon characters since we are lucky enough to have not one single other store that carries them, in which Fred's did not. Naturally, when he then asked to proceed to Kmart, I couldnt find it in my heart to dare tell the sweet little guy no.
We were walking through the door to Kmart and there was a man standing there with the salvation army bucket, ringing the bell. I didn't think anything of it at the time but as we made our way to the toy department, Trenton had asked what that man was doing. The only thing that came to mind as a perfect explanation without a million questions since Trenton has to analyze every single thing in life, was that it was to help children who's parents cant afford to buy them any christmas presents. A good explanation followed by a very honest question. "How come the kids don't get any presents from Santa? Santa doesn't have to buy toys." Needless to say, I spotted a toy and got off topic as quick as I possibly could! :)
After about an hour, Trenton made his decision on what to buy with his money. The Simpsons Movie, the old school rudolph the red nose reindeer movie, a R2D2 version of the boardgame trouble, a battleship with 7 airplanes that came along with it, a pack of starbursts, and a 2 musketeer candy bar. After paying for his new things himself, Trenton had $6 left. Of course, we had to make a stop at the stuffed animal machine for him to spend $2 on trying to get an animal with no such luck as it seems to be whenever you try those machines. Then he turned around, got $2 from his pocket and walked right over to the man ringing the bell, and put it in the red bucket. You would think the boy just won a million dollars with the proud look he had on his face! Not to mention, I was as proud of a mother as you come by at that moment! I bragged and bragged on him and told him how he did a good deed and when I referred to what he did as that, he then began to get even more satisfaction from it. If more people could have the love and compassion in their heart that Trenton holds in his towards things in life, I'm telling ya, the world would be a better place!
We had a birthday party for him here at the house yesterday with close friends and family along with some of mine and Trenton's favorite finger foods. Although it was his big day, me being the finger food lover of all time, I of course had to add in my favorites as well! :) The party was as chaotic as it could get for a mother being used to only one kid running around... and probably ten times more stressful that you even imagined from that last sentence! :)
As it does to every person with money nearly, Trenton's birthday money was burning a hole in his pocket! After a check at the doctor office (thank god no finger pokes!), and Trenton being as well behaved as they come while I was doing my schedule for next semesters classes, we went out to burn that money! He had asked if we could check if Fred's had pokemon characters since we are lucky enough to have not one single other store that carries them, in which Fred's did not. Naturally, when he then asked to proceed to Kmart, I couldnt find it in my heart to dare tell the sweet little guy no.
We were walking through the door to Kmart and there was a man standing there with the salvation army bucket, ringing the bell. I didn't think anything of it at the time but as we made our way to the toy department, Trenton had asked what that man was doing. The only thing that came to mind as a perfect explanation without a million questions since Trenton has to analyze every single thing in life, was that it was to help children who's parents cant afford to buy them any christmas presents. A good explanation followed by a very honest question. "How come the kids don't get any presents from Santa? Santa doesn't have to buy toys." Needless to say, I spotted a toy and got off topic as quick as I possibly could! :)
After about an hour, Trenton made his decision on what to buy with his money. The Simpsons Movie, the old school rudolph the red nose reindeer movie, a R2D2 version of the boardgame trouble, a battleship with 7 airplanes that came along with it, a pack of starbursts, and a 2 musketeer candy bar. After paying for his new things himself, Trenton had $6 left. Of course, we had to make a stop at the stuffed animal machine for him to spend $2 on trying to get an animal with no such luck as it seems to be whenever you try those machines. Then he turned around, got $2 from his pocket and walked right over to the man ringing the bell, and put it in the red bucket. You would think the boy just won a million dollars with the proud look he had on his face! Not to mention, I was as proud of a mother as you come by at that moment! I bragged and bragged on him and told him how he did a good deed and when I referred to what he did as that, he then began to get even more satisfaction from it. If more people could have the love and compassion in their heart that Trenton holds in his towards things in life, I'm telling ya, the world would be a better place!
on. off. on. off. on. off. on. off. on. off. on. off.
Life has been crazy and hectic but life is definitely GOOD! I don't think there has honestly ever been a time in my life to where I am as content as I am now. I love my family, my husband, Trenton Lane, my house, school, friends.. just everything in it right now! For once, I am completely surrounded by the people who care most about me, and feel as if I am appreciated for who I am, and what I am able to do for people. It may not be a lot but at least I try! :) And I cant help but look at couples that are off and on like light switches and wonder how in the world they can say they enjoy that aspect of their life? If you have facebook, you know what I am referring to! People will ask you to pray for their relationship to work with their significant other, and then the very next day they are getting married, and then 3 days later they are broke up, and then asking for you to pray for them all over again. I mean, who really would want to live with a relationship like that? That's not a happy couple in my opinion! And yes, I have been in a few horrendous relationships and it took me longer than it should have to realize some things about the relationship... but by golly, when I learn it, I hold onto it. I can now spot a red flag in a person a million miles away! And when I do... I RUN! Haha! No seriously though- I do look at these couples and of course you will compare and contrast them to your relationships, and I can honestly say I am so very grateful to have someone like David in my life. He is the first person to ever make me feel like I am worth something, and has given me more self esteem than I have ever been able to have in my life. We don't argue at all! No, we are not perfect by any means! Meaning, of course each of us do things that may get on the others nerves at times. BUT- there is NEVER any cussing, or yelling towards each other at all. I honestly don't know if I could handle David ever actually yelling at me. We've been together 4 years and for us to go that long without it ever happening, I think I am safe to say, we make a great team! :) And back to the couples who need prayer.... instead of asking people to pray for your relationship to work, why not ask them to pray for you to be able to see what needs to be done, and to be able to make the right decision about your relationship? Makes more sense to me! But hey, who am I to make these calls for people? Obviously a marriage isn't going to work for them being that they break up all the time and can't stay together for over a 2 week period of time together... The person you marry is supposed to be the person you can't stand to live without. The person you want to spend the rest of your life with. The one you want along for the ride in life and to experience everything you experience. Oh well... what business is it of mine? It's not.. although I really had to get that off my chest this morning for some apparent reason! :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Bucket List
Okay so this is just the beginning of what I consider to be My personal bucket list! Don't worry, it may not seem like much right now, but as the days come and go, I am sure I will have many more to add to it being of knew things I remember I once stated I wanted to do, or new things I've seen I'd like to do. SO here it is!
1. Go to L.A. and rent a convertable to drive around in listening to the theme song from the show "the hills"
2. Put my feet in the pacific ocean
3. Go skiing
4. Go sky diving
5. Go to Aspen Colorado for a winter retreat
6. Do a survival camping weekend (Not as extreme as Man Vs. Wild, but similar. No eating BUGS and worms though. Definately a NO-NO!)
7. Swim in a waterfall
8. Go to a paradise island
9. Take Trenton to Lego Land in California
10. Be a platform hair artist
11. Open my own salon and boutique
12. Get a brand new Maxima
13. Have my makeup done by a celebrity make up artist
14. Go scuba diving
15. Get toned like I was in highschool (and to think I complained about my body then! lol)
16. Swim at a pool in a rock quarry in Macon, GA
17. Go to a Rachel Ray show taping
18. See the new kids on the block in concert one last time
19. Go see an Opera
20. Learn to dance the Jibe
21. Adopt a pet
22. Patent something
23. Go on an unlimited amount shopping spree on Rodeo Drive
24. Attend a HUGE christmas party where you have to have a pretty cocktail dress
25. Be widely known for something positive I have done
1. Go to L.A. and rent a convertable to drive around in listening to the theme song from the show "the hills"
2. Put my feet in the pacific ocean
3. Go skiing
4. Go sky diving
5. Go to Aspen Colorado for a winter retreat
6. Do a survival camping weekend (Not as extreme as Man Vs. Wild, but similar. No eating BUGS and worms though. Definately a NO-NO!)
7. Swim in a waterfall
8. Go to a paradise island
9. Take Trenton to Lego Land in California
10. Be a platform hair artist
11. Open my own salon and boutique
12. Get a brand new Maxima
13. Have my makeup done by a celebrity make up artist
14. Go scuba diving
15. Get toned like I was in highschool (and to think I complained about my body then! lol)
16. Swim at a pool in a rock quarry in Macon, GA
17. Go to a Rachel Ray show taping
18. See the new kids on the block in concert one last time
19. Go see an Opera
20. Learn to dance the Jibe
21. Adopt a pet
22. Patent something
23. Go on an unlimited amount shopping spree on Rodeo Drive
24. Attend a HUGE christmas party where you have to have a pretty cocktail dress
25. Be widely known for something positive I have done
Now this is what I needed!
Today has already started out great!!!! Woke up to a beautiful warm, sunny morning with a handsome little boy in a really good mood ready to conquer another school day! It is supposed to be 74 degrees today! That is crazy! 74 on Nov 22! And sunnnnnnnny! My blinds are open, and a few windows open airing the house out and it has put me in the best mood! This is exactly what I needed to get me out of this winter funk that I have already begun to sink into! Winter is not my time of the year.. AT ALL! Hate it. Love christmas, hate winter! I believe my house will get cleaned with no problem today! No way I am sitting around and letting what will probably be the last of a pretty day like this for months go to waste!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Do a dallop of Daisssssy
Sundays... I love them but oh how I hate them. I always think I am going to get up and get my groove on when it comes to the house work and I always do nothing more than sit on the couch and watch lifetime movies, or whatever else may be pleasing to the eye on tv. I'm lucky to get out of my jammies on sundays! :) And I'm sure you know that when you have a boring, unsuccessful day of just sitting around, your brain starts to think about everything from the time you were 5 and up.. lol Hence, the random memories and thoughts of mine in which you are about to indulge in....and the random title of this blog. :)
For one, I can not get that stupid commecial Do a dallop of a daisssssy out of my head. First off, what exactly is a dollap? A spoonful? But what kind of spoon, a teaspoon or tablespoon? Nothing else referrs to using a dallop... I have never opened a cookbook and it tell me to use a dallop of sugar...
Remember L.A. Gear? I wanted a pair of those so bad when I was a kid and never ever got a pair. My mom was totally into the plain white keds for me, with a big frilly bow to top if off as if it were the cherry on top of icecream. All I wanted was a pair that lit up with the pink lights.. especially for the field trips to Mammoth Cave when it was all dark inside the cave. :) Needless to say, being I never had a pair, I think Trenton has had atleast 15 pairs. One of those things a mother does.... if you wanted it when you were younger and never had it, you make sure it is one of the first things you mark off your list to get your own child.
And the saying goes "Do you not feel good?" Words that leave a mother's mouth far too often. For some reaosn earlier today, I had a memory of when Trenton was a wee little tot cross my mind. Of course, Trenton had heard me ask him a million times "Do you not feel good?".. One day I could tell that Trenton wasn't feeling the best, and later on in the evening he came to me and layed his head on my lap and said "Mommy, my feel good hurt." Making it one of my fondest memories of him as a child and also the beginning to a phrase I say often when something upsets me..."Well, that hurts my feel goods!"
And onto something I considered to be a very messed up thing... Do you not think that it is weird that in order for 2 people to be together and remain married, they both have to go get prescribed medication? Soooooo....... you both have to be on medication in order to be together? Do you not see something wrong with that? Who does that and who would want to live that way? And they feel they have the nerve to talk about others.. :) It is almost comical...
Why is it that when you clean your house and have it all spic and span and perfectly clean, you will make sure to keep up the good work for a few weeks because you enjoy the smell and feeling of everything in place BUT, once you take 2 days off and it all goes to hell within those 2 days, you just can't seem to make yourself get started on it? And the whole time it is in this condition, you are stressed about it and it makes your whole mind seem cluttered, yet you will still just sit and stare at it. I am beyond guilty of this act and I am yet to figure it out. You would think it would motivate you to get it cleaned back up again but it just gets worse day by day, then making you overwhelmed on just how big of a mess it is almost making you feel like you just dont know where to start... and to think, I let it get this way when I absolutely hate a messy house.. weirdo. I know.
And when do you find the perfect house temp? I mean holy cow! I am burning up one minute, freezing the next. I don't think the ideal temp exists on my thermostat! And I have a grave feeling that my power bill is going to show that this ideal temp is non existent...
And how in the world does someone just brutally murder someone? I mean, anyone is capable of killing. And you can't deny that because if someone were to break into your home and it was either you kill them or they kill you or your family, you would kill them. But to just scope out someone and cold hearted murder them... that is a different story. I mean hell, I feel bad if I just squish a bug that is minding his own business going across the driveway, let alone intentionally taking the soul of another being from this earth. And it almost seems like it is the people that you would never imagine... or picture as being the stereotypical murderer you see on movies, etc...
Surely, I am not the only person that has trouble with this one either... Why is it so hard to throw away anything that has your child's writing on it? I swear, it doesnt matter if it is just math worksheets that Trenton has had to do a million times at school, if I don't throw them away right then while in the mind set of doing so, later on it is dang near impossible for me to find it in my heart. I have so many of his papers from school that he has drawn or wrote on stored away. Precious memories for sure!.. Even if they are just taking up space in a box. And of course anything that has MOM wrote on it, definately is a must keep! :)
And although I am definately enjoying my time of expressing my random thoughts for this boring sunday, I do believe there must be a moment where I decide to shower and atleast put some deodorant on for the sake of all man kind that will be around me... So of course, more to come! :)
For one, I can not get that stupid commecial Do a dallop of a daisssssy out of my head. First off, what exactly is a dollap? A spoonful? But what kind of spoon, a teaspoon or tablespoon? Nothing else referrs to using a dallop... I have never opened a cookbook and it tell me to use a dallop of sugar...
Remember L.A. Gear? I wanted a pair of those so bad when I was a kid and never ever got a pair. My mom was totally into the plain white keds for me, with a big frilly bow to top if off as if it were the cherry on top of icecream. All I wanted was a pair that lit up with the pink lights.. especially for the field trips to Mammoth Cave when it was all dark inside the cave. :) Needless to say, being I never had a pair, I think Trenton has had atleast 15 pairs. One of those things a mother does.... if you wanted it when you were younger and never had it, you make sure it is one of the first things you mark off your list to get your own child.
And the saying goes "Do you not feel good?" Words that leave a mother's mouth far too often. For some reaosn earlier today, I had a memory of when Trenton was a wee little tot cross my mind. Of course, Trenton had heard me ask him a million times "Do you not feel good?".. One day I could tell that Trenton wasn't feeling the best, and later on in the evening he came to me and layed his head on my lap and said "Mommy, my feel good hurt." Making it one of my fondest memories of him as a child and also the beginning to a phrase I say often when something upsets me..."Well, that hurts my feel goods!"
And onto something I considered to be a very messed up thing... Do you not think that it is weird that in order for 2 people to be together and remain married, they both have to go get prescribed medication? Soooooo....... you both have to be on medication in order to be together? Do you not see something wrong with that? Who does that and who would want to live that way? And they feel they have the nerve to talk about others.. :) It is almost comical...
Why is it that when you clean your house and have it all spic and span and perfectly clean, you will make sure to keep up the good work for a few weeks because you enjoy the smell and feeling of everything in place BUT, once you take 2 days off and it all goes to hell within those 2 days, you just can't seem to make yourself get started on it? And the whole time it is in this condition, you are stressed about it and it makes your whole mind seem cluttered, yet you will still just sit and stare at it. I am beyond guilty of this act and I am yet to figure it out. You would think it would motivate you to get it cleaned back up again but it just gets worse day by day, then making you overwhelmed on just how big of a mess it is almost making you feel like you just dont know where to start... and to think, I let it get this way when I absolutely hate a messy house.. weirdo. I know.
And when do you find the perfect house temp? I mean holy cow! I am burning up one minute, freezing the next. I don't think the ideal temp exists on my thermostat! And I have a grave feeling that my power bill is going to show that this ideal temp is non existent...
And how in the world does someone just brutally murder someone? I mean, anyone is capable of killing. And you can't deny that because if someone were to break into your home and it was either you kill them or they kill you or your family, you would kill them. But to just scope out someone and cold hearted murder them... that is a different story. I mean hell, I feel bad if I just squish a bug that is minding his own business going across the driveway, let alone intentionally taking the soul of another being from this earth. And it almost seems like it is the people that you would never imagine... or picture as being the stereotypical murderer you see on movies, etc...
Surely, I am not the only person that has trouble with this one either... Why is it so hard to throw away anything that has your child's writing on it? I swear, it doesnt matter if it is just math worksheets that Trenton has had to do a million times at school, if I don't throw them away right then while in the mind set of doing so, later on it is dang near impossible for me to find it in my heart. I have so many of his papers from school that he has drawn or wrote on stored away. Precious memories for sure!.. Even if they are just taking up space in a box. And of course anything that has MOM wrote on it, definately is a must keep! :)
And although I am definately enjoying my time of expressing my random thoughts for this boring sunday, I do believe there must be a moment where I decide to shower and atleast put some deodorant on for the sake of all man kind that will be around me... So of course, more to come! :)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Kacie + Winter = MISERABLE
This dreary, no sun, freezing weather is already getting the best of me! I havent been worth a darn in the last week. Literally. I have been nothing more than a sleepying beauty. Well, not sure if you would call if beauty but I have definately been the sleeping role. I hate winter! HATE, HATE, HATE IT!!! Don't get me wrong, I love the christmas holidays and the joy it brings, but after that.. it's all downhill until the sun starts to shine its brilliant rays onto my skin. Plus, a lot of this damper could have something to do with the fact of us moving in the new house and I can't find seem to find the perfect heat setting on the thermostat to where I'm not freezing in here one minute, and then burning up the next. OR it could just be that I am going through some type of horomonal imbalance.. not likely being 26 I would think! lol
Tonight was Trenton's 1st official basketball practice and might I add, He did so much better with his dribbling! Yes, he still has a ways to go to really have it down pat, but he did excellent and I could see he was way more excited than the last experience with dribbling. Oh, and how could I forget not to mention first, that Trenton made another goal tonight! First shot, and nothing but net!! He looked like he was having such a good time tonight! Of course, there were a few moments where he wasn't sure one what to do such as the coach lining them up and having them run across the court and touching the half court line and back. Coach said "go" and all the kids would take off but Trenton would wait until the other kids took off before he would, therefore he was the last to finish each time. But, he hung in there and finished it up even if he was the last. Other than just standing in the field during baseball season, this is the first actual running, training, and keeping up with other kids he's had to do. Of course he was as guilty as all of the other kids out there by wanting to run straight for whoever had the ball instead of blocking his opponent. But hey, its the 1st practice, he had a smile on his face, and ran his hearts desire. How much better could it have possibly went?
And as I am typing this, I have managed to somehow get myself stuck on watching the Natalee Holloway Story. AWESOME movie! But aren't most lifetime productions? :) And I bet you wonder why I am complaining while boasting about it at the same time? Well here is the answer.. It is 12:02 am and I have to be up at 6:00 am. AND this doesnt go off until after 1:00 am. I'm thinking tomorrow isnt going to be a day where I have much more energy than I had today. I have been nothing but exhausted this week. I swear it's the weather. Has to be... me being Blah is definately not in my nature. And very obvious its not, because it is driving me crazy already and winter isnt even here yet!
And now onto my Davey... :) I just love him so much! He does so much for our family and for me interntally. I never knew that I could love someone so much and I never knew that someone could make me feel so loved. Of course every mother or most normal ones should I say, know the true meaning of love by the way you love your child. But, the love for a spouse is different by far! ;) Poor guy, he will just sleep away in the recliner for hours regardless of how late it is and how early he has to be at work all because he says it doesnt feel right to lay in the bed without me. David is by far a little snuggler! We talked about getting a bigger bed at once, and actually decided that if we got a bigger one that it would allow us to sleep farther apart and that neither of us liked the thought of that. So Full size bed it is for right now with not a problem one from either of us! For once, I am completely happy in my life. I have the most loving husband who is good to me and my son. And I have a son that couldn't come any sweeter!
I know this one hasn't been much more than just the way I'm feeling, and hasn't had much entertainment out of it... but I warned ya! It's just been one big, long, Blah week for me other than the love my 2 main guys show me everyday!
Tonight was Trenton's 1st official basketball practice and might I add, He did so much better with his dribbling! Yes, he still has a ways to go to really have it down pat, but he did excellent and I could see he was way more excited than the last experience with dribbling. Oh, and how could I forget not to mention first, that Trenton made another goal tonight! First shot, and nothing but net!! He looked like he was having such a good time tonight! Of course, there were a few moments where he wasn't sure one what to do such as the coach lining them up and having them run across the court and touching the half court line and back. Coach said "go" and all the kids would take off but Trenton would wait until the other kids took off before he would, therefore he was the last to finish each time. But, he hung in there and finished it up even if he was the last. Other than just standing in the field during baseball season, this is the first actual running, training, and keeping up with other kids he's had to do. Of course he was as guilty as all of the other kids out there by wanting to run straight for whoever had the ball instead of blocking his opponent. But hey, its the 1st practice, he had a smile on his face, and ran his hearts desire. How much better could it have possibly went?
And as I am typing this, I have managed to somehow get myself stuck on watching the Natalee Holloway Story. AWESOME movie! But aren't most lifetime productions? :) And I bet you wonder why I am complaining while boasting about it at the same time? Well here is the answer.. It is 12:02 am and I have to be up at 6:00 am. AND this doesnt go off until after 1:00 am. I'm thinking tomorrow isnt going to be a day where I have much more energy than I had today. I have been nothing but exhausted this week. I swear it's the weather. Has to be... me being Blah is definately not in my nature. And very obvious its not, because it is driving me crazy already and winter isnt even here yet!
And now onto my Davey... :) I just love him so much! He does so much for our family and for me interntally. I never knew that I could love someone so much and I never knew that someone could make me feel so loved. Of course every mother or most normal ones should I say, know the true meaning of love by the way you love your child. But, the love for a spouse is different by far! ;) Poor guy, he will just sleep away in the recliner for hours regardless of how late it is and how early he has to be at work all because he says it doesnt feel right to lay in the bed without me. David is by far a little snuggler! We talked about getting a bigger bed at once, and actually decided that if we got a bigger one that it would allow us to sleep farther apart and that neither of us liked the thought of that. So Full size bed it is for right now with not a problem one from either of us! For once, I am completely happy in my life. I have the most loving husband who is good to me and my son. And I have a son that couldn't come any sweeter!
I know this one hasn't been much more than just the way I'm feeling, and hasn't had much entertainment out of it... but I warned ya! It's just been one big, long, Blah week for me other than the love my 2 main guys show me everyday!
Monday, November 15, 2010
You think it hurt your feelings?
Well, it looks to be that I have offended some people with a comment I made on MY facebook. First of all, text is taken wrong in so many cases it isn't even funny. I'm sure this is not the first time something I have written on my wall has been taken the wrong way, but this time apparently really stirred up the stink pot.
Let me first explain the conversation that prompted my post. David and I were watching a show on the discovery channel where a man had been misdiagnosed time after time after time. And by these misdiagnosis, he had each arm and leg amputated one at a time. Going through years of this, and going through the removal of each limb one at a time, he was then placed in a nursing home for the rest of his life. His family was no longer able to take care of him, so there he was with no limbs just laying in a bed. Of course he had lost most of his spirit in the mix of all of this, and in the end it all came about that what he had could have been treated by modern day medicine, and the amputations were all unnecessary with the medical condition that he really had the whole time.
So after watching this, David and I were talking about how we felt about that kind of stuff. I argued that it saves lives everyday. He argued that it was inhumane. When I said "I'd rather be missing a limb and still be here than be dead...", His response was that "Yeah maybe losing a leg or whatever, but that is nothing but inhumane to cut someone's limbs off one by one, until they themselves are nothing but a stub (which he tucked his arms down close to his side when he said this and had a very funny facial gesture when saying this), and then proceeded to say " Ya know, we don't even let dogs live life that way. We will put them down because its considered inhumane to make them suffer life like that. If I'm ever in that situation, throw me in front of a bus or do whatever you have to do, I dont want to live that way" And after he said that, I did have to say that I could see where he was coming from.
And I suppose I made the mistake of bringing up our conversation and his imitation of what he would feel like, and by behing honest and saying that I laughed at him the way he did it. Was this me making fun of people who have had amputations? NO! First off, I am not the kind of person who would ever in a million years make fun of someone for that. I am not the type that will call a person fat, let alone make fun of a disability in someone. So when I logged onto my facebook and had 4 different comments under my post of people bashing me for what was said, and saying how bad I hurt them over that, I can't deny that it pissed me off, and it hurt my feelings. First of all, it pissed me off that they would go on my facebook for everyone to read and bash me for it. And Second, it hurt my feelings that they honestly don't know me better than to think I was or would make fun of that topic. Yes I understand that there are people I know who's family members have had amputations and it may be sensitive to them, but if I took everything everyone said and related it to my life, I would be one sad person. Just because someone says something that may be a sensitive subject to me or may hit home to me, I'm not going to go off and bash them for the entire networking world of facebook to read and talk about. I do have enough consideration in me not to ever say anything out of the way towards anyone on their facebook that may embarass them or upset them, and I don't think I am overreacting to what was done to me. And what I really dont get is the fact that I even said And I KNOW THERE IS NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT AMPUTATION... and then mentioned how David immitated what he would be like, and said I couldn't help but laugh at him when he did it. Maybe I should have mentioned that while he was doing this show, that he made the funniest face ever. Honestly, I don't see the huge uproar for someone to say I was making cold jokes about it, or that I thought amputation was funny, and to get fussed at because of who reads it and how it relates to their life. I understand it relates to them and is a touchy subject, but good grief, you don't have to stoop to the level to put me down in front of everyone. My feelings have seriously been hurt tonight and I guess from now on I am just going to have to watch what I say about what I think, or what happens, or what david thinks for that matter on MY OWN facebook from now on.
And these are people that could have called and talked to me about this if it was such an upsetting comment.... did they? No. And yes my feelings have been hurt over this, but now I am just a little more pissed because before logging on and reading the nasty comments left on my page, I had been having one of the best days. Now, that is no longer. They thought I was inconsiderate? What about them? Maybe I should have put my shoe on the other foot, but they were just as wrong in this! And I am just going to leave this at that, because the way it seems, anything I am going to say with the word amputation in it is going to get me decapitated.
Let me first explain the conversation that prompted my post. David and I were watching a show on the discovery channel where a man had been misdiagnosed time after time after time. And by these misdiagnosis, he had each arm and leg amputated one at a time. Going through years of this, and going through the removal of each limb one at a time, he was then placed in a nursing home for the rest of his life. His family was no longer able to take care of him, so there he was with no limbs just laying in a bed. Of course he had lost most of his spirit in the mix of all of this, and in the end it all came about that what he had could have been treated by modern day medicine, and the amputations were all unnecessary with the medical condition that he really had the whole time.
So after watching this, David and I were talking about how we felt about that kind of stuff. I argued that it saves lives everyday. He argued that it was inhumane. When I said "I'd rather be missing a limb and still be here than be dead...", His response was that "Yeah maybe losing a leg or whatever, but that is nothing but inhumane to cut someone's limbs off one by one, until they themselves are nothing but a stub (which he tucked his arms down close to his side when he said this and had a very funny facial gesture when saying this), and then proceeded to say " Ya know, we don't even let dogs live life that way. We will put them down because its considered inhumane to make them suffer life like that. If I'm ever in that situation, throw me in front of a bus or do whatever you have to do, I dont want to live that way" And after he said that, I did have to say that I could see where he was coming from.
And I suppose I made the mistake of bringing up our conversation and his imitation of what he would feel like, and by behing honest and saying that I laughed at him the way he did it. Was this me making fun of people who have had amputations? NO! First off, I am not the kind of person who would ever in a million years make fun of someone for that. I am not the type that will call a person fat, let alone make fun of a disability in someone. So when I logged onto my facebook and had 4 different comments under my post of people bashing me for what was said, and saying how bad I hurt them over that, I can't deny that it pissed me off, and it hurt my feelings. First of all, it pissed me off that they would go on my facebook for everyone to read and bash me for it. And Second, it hurt my feelings that they honestly don't know me better than to think I was or would make fun of that topic. Yes I understand that there are people I know who's family members have had amputations and it may be sensitive to them, but if I took everything everyone said and related it to my life, I would be one sad person. Just because someone says something that may be a sensitive subject to me or may hit home to me, I'm not going to go off and bash them for the entire networking world of facebook to read and talk about. I do have enough consideration in me not to ever say anything out of the way towards anyone on their facebook that may embarass them or upset them, and I don't think I am overreacting to what was done to me. And what I really dont get is the fact that I even said And I KNOW THERE IS NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT AMPUTATION... and then mentioned how David immitated what he would be like, and said I couldn't help but laugh at him when he did it. Maybe I should have mentioned that while he was doing this show, that he made the funniest face ever. Honestly, I don't see the huge uproar for someone to say I was making cold jokes about it, or that I thought amputation was funny, and to get fussed at because of who reads it and how it relates to their life. I understand it relates to them and is a touchy subject, but good grief, you don't have to stoop to the level to put me down in front of everyone. My feelings have seriously been hurt tonight and I guess from now on I am just going to have to watch what I say about what I think, or what happens, or what david thinks for that matter on MY OWN facebook from now on.
And these are people that could have called and talked to me about this if it was such an upsetting comment.... did they? No. And yes my feelings have been hurt over this, but now I am just a little more pissed because before logging on and reading the nasty comments left on my page, I had been having one of the best days. Now, that is no longer. They thought I was inconsiderate? What about them? Maybe I should have put my shoe on the other foot, but they were just as wrong in this! And I am just going to leave this at that, because the way it seems, anything I am going to say with the word amputation in it is going to get me decapitated.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Top of the line Poker Face
I'm sure I'm not the only one that does this.... As things start to settle down at my house at night, and being the night owl I am, I'm usually the last one up. Regardless of how tired I am, I will just sit there refusing to go to bed. I honestly think I am worse than an infant fighting their sleep at times. But while sitting here, my mind starts to think, think, think, think, and think some more. I will literally sit and think about things from stuff that happened years ago, to current events, and so on... And more often then not, I get myself all tore up over thinking about how people are. At times it's a good quality I have, and at others it is my own worst enemy but I am definitely what you would call an analyzer. I will analyze every situation in my life over and over, picking up on new things every time I rethink it. Yes, it is annoying at times and drives me crazy. But it also comes in handy because I will pick up on what you're trying to pull on me before the words ever leave your mouth. More often then not, I already know what you are up to before you even figure it out. Most people think I don't because I also have this wonderful talent of playing stupid. I can often already know the truth behind things and then when they are telling me a made up lie to cover their butts, I just smile or do the "OMG" face, and ask silly questions to get silly answers to make myself look even more naive and ignorant, when in all reality the only ignorant one is them for falling for what I just did and thinking they pulled it over on me. WARNING: My tactic works every time. I guess you could say, I have a top of the line Poker Face :)
And in the mix of thinking about how people are, I start to think about what they actually do in their lives instead of the lies they make up. For instance, I absolutely will never have any respect for someone who I believe is not a fit mother. I don't care if you change later in life, which most don't, I will never no matter what have a full amount of respect for them. And every time I have met or seen someone like this on TV, they are truly convinced that they are the best mothers around. And they will speak this verbally, over and over. Don't get me wrong, I think every mother wants a little recognition here and there in order to know that what she does doesn't go unrecognized, but when you have to TELL people you are a good mother, it's just not natural to me. Yes, I speak often of how I feel about Trenton, but that by no means is me fishing for any compliment as to what kind of mother I am. I'm just simply a ball of emotions when it comes to my son. And I'm sure all of you know a person like I'm talking about. There is usually one in the group always. I just don't understand how anybody can put anything or anyone before their child. It's like a natural thing to them. They never even think twice about it. They would rather spend their money on themselves, and it shows. They will have the latest trends in clothes, but their kid is as unkept as a broom closet. And it is always very apparent on whether or not they interact with their children because if the kid doesn't seem to know anything for their age level, and can't even hardly talk for their age, something is wrong with that. And I am referring to perfectly healthy kids, not any children that may have something delaying them in things. Or what about the ones that believe the father owes them something so they make them do everything for the kids? Whether it be buying everything they need (which yes they need to help out, but the mothers need to also!) or leaving everything the kid needs done left up to them. I have known women with children before that if I didn't already know they had a kid, you would never know by talking to them. They never mention their kids. Not even something they did that was funny, or got in trouble for, just nothing. And if you bring their kid up, when you talk to them there are no emotions behind it. Most mother's get the glazed over, deer in the headlights look when they speak of their child. It's almost as if you could see their heart beat in their pupil when asked about their kids. And for a mother not to get that, it just seems absurd to me. Very unnatural I guess. It's a disgrace to me really. And these are the mother's that reassure everybody that they are good mother's every single time you talk to them..... and maybe they are, but just have a different way of showing it in front of others? I mean, that is possible I guess. I just know that all of the other mother's in the world that give a darn about their children, don't act that way, and definitely don't have that emotionless look or tone in their voice when asked about their kids. But hey- I am no specialist here so this is a matter of my opinion!
Oh, another thing I can't stand. A thief. I don't care if they are stealing from a store, a friend, or relative. I can not stand them. I have known people that steals from places and it used to not bother me because it's their life, and what they choose to do is on them. They will be the one that pays the consequences in the end. But as I have gotten older, and married with a family of my own, I have gotten to where I absolutely despise it. We by far have worked hard for what we have, and David continues to work hard for us. It is aggravating to me when someone has all of these nice clothes and different things that I would love to have but don't have the extra money to get, and they have done nothing but steal every bit of it. They will walk out of the house dressed like they are fit to own a Mercedes when in all reality they don't have a pot to piss in. And they talk about this like it is something normal in everyday life. Yes, I'm sure there are a ton of people in the world that do this but it is yet another thing that I can't respect someone for if they do it. I mean hell, I'm sure we could all have new clothes to wear everyday if we were the type to just go to the store and steal it. Amazingly enough, these people know what to do in order to take it back and get the money for it and so forth. They are merely nothing but con artist. They would rather take the chance of going to jail and paying a crap load of fines rather than just pay for the dang $5 pair of earrings or whatever else it is. And to top it off, this is a small town and these people go to the same stores and do it regularly. Now, how in the world has it not caught up with them yet? I think that is what aggravates me more than anything about it. Is that they laugh and brag about it, and have still managed to get away with it after all these years. It's almost one of those things where it seems like the bad stuff always happens to good people and the bad people always get away. Oh, I know.... "Good guys always finish last!" And being that they steal everything they have, that is probably why they respect nothing about their life or appreciate anything at all. When you have to work hard for what you have, you appreciate it more. Being they just walk in, and browse and automatically get what they want, they have no appreciation what so ever!
And while I am on my midnight kick of dislikes, I am going to add to the fact that even though you may be my best friend, I still do not just walk in your house and start going through things like it is my own. I may have been to your house a dozen times, but I will never just walk to the fridge and start eating and drinking whatever I want out of it. I always ask. This is such a pet peeve of mine, that I have always taught Trenton to ask before he does anything like that to the point that he will come to me and ask me if he can have a juice box from our fridge! I have told him a million times that he doesn't have to ask me for a single thing when it comes to wanting something to eat or drink in his own home. But, at least he knows that doing that is something that is unacceptable in our family at someone else's house. And it is always my luck that when I have a spic and span kitchen, that's when they come in my house and start fixing food, making messes and not cleaning up after themselves. If they asked me first just out of respect, I honestly would not have a problem with this at all. I do not care to share what I have with anyone. It's just the manner of how they go about doing it. Very disrespectful.
And it seems my list goes on... What about the people you know that have a whole pack of cigarettes in their car but yet they will come and keep getting them off of you so that they can save theirs for themselves. And oddly enough, that is another thing they seem to never ask about. They tell you. "Hey let me get a smoke off you". Trenton and I made a deal that if he went a month with no bad notes sent home from school that I would quit smoking. Being I can't break my word to little Trenton, it looks like I will soon be a non-smoker, thank god! I've been wanting to stop for a while but just don't have the motivation or drive in it for myself, but when it comes to him, I can do it. I will be so glad when I do simply because of the money spent on it, and also for the people that demand cigarettes off of me all the time.
What about the people that tell you that you are gonna do a favor for them? No, they don't ask you to. They tell you to. Apparently they have learned me well enough because if they had, they would know that if you tell me to do anything, I won't. Ask me, and I will consider it and usually do it.
Oh, and lets not forget the people that don't take care of their stuff, so they don't care if they mess yours up or not? David and I have just recently got into a position in our life where we can actually pick out things we want if in our means, rather than settling for the absolute cheapest. I take a lot of pride in our belongings. I want them to remain nice. So when someone comes over and is smoking a cigarette on my $200 brand new chiffon comforter in my bedroom where no smoking is allowed to begin with, and I ask them to get up off of it because if the smallest ash was to fall on it it would burn a hole right through it, and they argue with me that they will in a minute. Who in the hell does that? I mean, they may ash all over everything at their house, and not take pride in what they have, but I will be damned if you are going to come in my house and romp and roam through it like you own it, and do as you please even after you have been asked repeatedly not to time after time!
And I'm sure we all know someone who always is trying to make it look like they are better than everyone and seem to think that everyone is just jealous of them. Another thing I can not stand in someone! First off, if you have to reassure everyone that you are better than them, 9 times out of 10 you are just trying to cover up the true cracks in your life. These are the people who want to be something so bad in life, but have managed to do everything wrong in going about to do it. I have never claimed to be better than anybody else ever in my life. I have had to crawl before I walked in order to get where I am today. I didn't just jump in head first and get myself into deep water by trying to have things outside of my means of money, and end up in a worst situation with less than I had before. No, I still do not have everything I would like to have in life, as most of the world doesn't, but I am not mad at the people that do. Nor, am I upset that I don't. I have more now than I had 2 years ago, so what is there to be upset about? As long as we keep doing what we're doing and working hard, I'm sure we will have more next year at this time than we do now. I find it funny also, that amazingly enough, these people that claim to be better than the next, and who think everyone is jealous of them always have more dark secrets than anybody else. And it's even funnier when the truth is revealed because you can't live a lie forever. Lies always catch back up to you!
And last but not least for my rants tonight... The hot girl who isn't so hot. Ever noticed that the girls who would be somewhat attractive if they had a good attitude to go with it, never have the attitude or personality to fit it, only making them ugly? I know quite a few of these people myself. They usually claim to have a lot of self confidence in their appearances but at the same time they will put everyone else's looks down in order to try and get the guys attention on them. If you have such high self esteem you shouldn't need everybody else's approval right? And no matter what people tell them, or what happens because of their actions, they still think that they are the epitome of what a guy wants when in reality guys cant stand them. Any girl can get a guy to sleep with them, but any girl can't get a guy to put a ring on their finger. And no, this is not a rant of me being jealous of anybody because I do not want to be like these girls at all! I don't want to be like them so much to the point that I actually am not friends with them anymore. Hang around people and you get the reputation those people hold. Guilty by association. It will get ya every time!
And with all of this being said, I am by no means what so ever judging anybody. I have spoken only the truth of true events and actions taken place by these people. Everyone has their pet peeves and these are a few characteristic pet peeves I have. Which, these pet peeves have really only came about in the past year or so. Maybe its called maturing and growing up? Maybe its just called getting on my nerves. Either way, it aggravates the piss out of me enough that I have sat here at almost 1 am and shared it all with you. :)
And in the mix of thinking about how people are, I start to think about what they actually do in their lives instead of the lies they make up. For instance, I absolutely will never have any respect for someone who I believe is not a fit mother. I don't care if you change later in life, which most don't, I will never no matter what have a full amount of respect for them. And every time I have met or seen someone like this on TV, they are truly convinced that they are the best mothers around. And they will speak this verbally, over and over. Don't get me wrong, I think every mother wants a little recognition here and there in order to know that what she does doesn't go unrecognized, but when you have to TELL people you are a good mother, it's just not natural to me. Yes, I speak often of how I feel about Trenton, but that by no means is me fishing for any compliment as to what kind of mother I am. I'm just simply a ball of emotions when it comes to my son. And I'm sure all of you know a person like I'm talking about. There is usually one in the group always. I just don't understand how anybody can put anything or anyone before their child. It's like a natural thing to them. They never even think twice about it. They would rather spend their money on themselves, and it shows. They will have the latest trends in clothes, but their kid is as unkept as a broom closet. And it is always very apparent on whether or not they interact with their children because if the kid doesn't seem to know anything for their age level, and can't even hardly talk for their age, something is wrong with that. And I am referring to perfectly healthy kids, not any children that may have something delaying them in things. Or what about the ones that believe the father owes them something so they make them do everything for the kids? Whether it be buying everything they need (which yes they need to help out, but the mothers need to also!) or leaving everything the kid needs done left up to them. I have known women with children before that if I didn't already know they had a kid, you would never know by talking to them. They never mention their kids. Not even something they did that was funny, or got in trouble for, just nothing. And if you bring their kid up, when you talk to them there are no emotions behind it. Most mother's get the glazed over, deer in the headlights look when they speak of their child. It's almost as if you could see their heart beat in their pupil when asked about their kids. And for a mother not to get that, it just seems absurd to me. Very unnatural I guess. It's a disgrace to me really. And these are the mother's that reassure everybody that they are good mother's every single time you talk to them..... and maybe they are, but just have a different way of showing it in front of others? I mean, that is possible I guess. I just know that all of the other mother's in the world that give a darn about their children, don't act that way, and definitely don't have that emotionless look or tone in their voice when asked about their kids. But hey- I am no specialist here so this is a matter of my opinion!
Oh, another thing I can't stand. A thief. I don't care if they are stealing from a store, a friend, or relative. I can not stand them. I have known people that steals from places and it used to not bother me because it's their life, and what they choose to do is on them. They will be the one that pays the consequences in the end. But as I have gotten older, and married with a family of my own, I have gotten to where I absolutely despise it. We by far have worked hard for what we have, and David continues to work hard for us. It is aggravating to me when someone has all of these nice clothes and different things that I would love to have but don't have the extra money to get, and they have done nothing but steal every bit of it. They will walk out of the house dressed like they are fit to own a Mercedes when in all reality they don't have a pot to piss in. And they talk about this like it is something normal in everyday life. Yes, I'm sure there are a ton of people in the world that do this but it is yet another thing that I can't respect someone for if they do it. I mean hell, I'm sure we could all have new clothes to wear everyday if we were the type to just go to the store and steal it. Amazingly enough, these people know what to do in order to take it back and get the money for it and so forth. They are merely nothing but con artist. They would rather take the chance of going to jail and paying a crap load of fines rather than just pay for the dang $5 pair of earrings or whatever else it is. And to top it off, this is a small town and these people go to the same stores and do it regularly. Now, how in the world has it not caught up with them yet? I think that is what aggravates me more than anything about it. Is that they laugh and brag about it, and have still managed to get away with it after all these years. It's almost one of those things where it seems like the bad stuff always happens to good people and the bad people always get away. Oh, I know.... "Good guys always finish last!" And being that they steal everything they have, that is probably why they respect nothing about their life or appreciate anything at all. When you have to work hard for what you have, you appreciate it more. Being they just walk in, and browse and automatically get what they want, they have no appreciation what so ever!
And while I am on my midnight kick of dislikes, I am going to add to the fact that even though you may be my best friend, I still do not just walk in your house and start going through things like it is my own. I may have been to your house a dozen times, but I will never just walk to the fridge and start eating and drinking whatever I want out of it. I always ask. This is such a pet peeve of mine, that I have always taught Trenton to ask before he does anything like that to the point that he will come to me and ask me if he can have a juice box from our fridge! I have told him a million times that he doesn't have to ask me for a single thing when it comes to wanting something to eat or drink in his own home. But, at least he knows that doing that is something that is unacceptable in our family at someone else's house. And it is always my luck that when I have a spic and span kitchen, that's when they come in my house and start fixing food, making messes and not cleaning up after themselves. If they asked me first just out of respect, I honestly would not have a problem with this at all. I do not care to share what I have with anyone. It's just the manner of how they go about doing it. Very disrespectful.
And it seems my list goes on... What about the people you know that have a whole pack of cigarettes in their car but yet they will come and keep getting them off of you so that they can save theirs for themselves. And oddly enough, that is another thing they seem to never ask about. They tell you. "Hey let me get a smoke off you". Trenton and I made a deal that if he went a month with no bad notes sent home from school that I would quit smoking. Being I can't break my word to little Trenton, it looks like I will soon be a non-smoker, thank god! I've been wanting to stop for a while but just don't have the motivation or drive in it for myself, but when it comes to him, I can do it. I will be so glad when I do simply because of the money spent on it, and also for the people that demand cigarettes off of me all the time.
What about the people that tell you that you are gonna do a favor for them? No, they don't ask you to. They tell you to. Apparently they have learned me well enough because if they had, they would know that if you tell me to do anything, I won't. Ask me, and I will consider it and usually do it.
Oh, and lets not forget the people that don't take care of their stuff, so they don't care if they mess yours up or not? David and I have just recently got into a position in our life where we can actually pick out things we want if in our means, rather than settling for the absolute cheapest. I take a lot of pride in our belongings. I want them to remain nice. So when someone comes over and is smoking a cigarette on my $200 brand new chiffon comforter in my bedroom where no smoking is allowed to begin with, and I ask them to get up off of it because if the smallest ash was to fall on it it would burn a hole right through it, and they argue with me that they will in a minute. Who in the hell does that? I mean, they may ash all over everything at their house, and not take pride in what they have, but I will be damned if you are going to come in my house and romp and roam through it like you own it, and do as you please even after you have been asked repeatedly not to time after time!
And I'm sure we all know someone who always is trying to make it look like they are better than everyone and seem to think that everyone is just jealous of them. Another thing I can not stand in someone! First off, if you have to reassure everyone that you are better than them, 9 times out of 10 you are just trying to cover up the true cracks in your life. These are the people who want to be something so bad in life, but have managed to do everything wrong in going about to do it. I have never claimed to be better than anybody else ever in my life. I have had to crawl before I walked in order to get where I am today. I didn't just jump in head first and get myself into deep water by trying to have things outside of my means of money, and end up in a worst situation with less than I had before. No, I still do not have everything I would like to have in life, as most of the world doesn't, but I am not mad at the people that do. Nor, am I upset that I don't. I have more now than I had 2 years ago, so what is there to be upset about? As long as we keep doing what we're doing and working hard, I'm sure we will have more next year at this time than we do now. I find it funny also, that amazingly enough, these people that claim to be better than the next, and who think everyone is jealous of them always have more dark secrets than anybody else. And it's even funnier when the truth is revealed because you can't live a lie forever. Lies always catch back up to you!
And last but not least for my rants tonight... The hot girl who isn't so hot. Ever noticed that the girls who would be somewhat attractive if they had a good attitude to go with it, never have the attitude or personality to fit it, only making them ugly? I know quite a few of these people myself. They usually claim to have a lot of self confidence in their appearances but at the same time they will put everyone else's looks down in order to try and get the guys attention on them. If you have such high self esteem you shouldn't need everybody else's approval right? And no matter what people tell them, or what happens because of their actions, they still think that they are the epitome of what a guy wants when in reality guys cant stand them. Any girl can get a guy to sleep with them, but any girl can't get a guy to put a ring on their finger. And no, this is not a rant of me being jealous of anybody because I do not want to be like these girls at all! I don't want to be like them so much to the point that I actually am not friends with them anymore. Hang around people and you get the reputation those people hold. Guilty by association. It will get ya every time!
And with all of this being said, I am by no means what so ever judging anybody. I have spoken only the truth of true events and actions taken place by these people. Everyone has their pet peeves and these are a few characteristic pet peeves I have. Which, these pet peeves have really only came about in the past year or so. Maybe its called maturing and growing up? Maybe its just called getting on my nerves. Either way, it aggravates the piss out of me enough that I have sat here at almost 1 am and shared it all with you. :)
Pictures are memories for the eyes
Trenton being sneaky.. :) |
Trenton showing off his winning coloring contest page and prize giant pencil |
Cool hair for polka dot day during drug awareness week at school! |
David and me |
My 2 main guys! |
Trenton enjoying the wave pool |
josie enjoying the boat ride athe lake |
David and I |
Petting the baby duck :) |
I think we can say he was ready for swimming... |
shopping in NYC |
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Bachelorette Party :) |
Ewok and Trenton checking out the planes ready to head to NYC |
Nothing like a NY hot dog |
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Here comes the bride! |
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Our new Family! |
Little Dribbles & Thumbs Up
A few weeks ago I picked Trenton up from school, and before he could even get the car door opened I heard him yelling "Mommy I want you to sign me up to play basketball!" And if you know me, you already know that mommy did sign him up for basketball! :) Which, I was actually shocked that he wanted to play.. He plays baseball during the summer but he has never really shared any interest in basketball... But I have to admit that I am just as excited about him wanting to play as he is!
Yesterday was the his first basketball clinic. And although it is his weekend to be at his dad's house, Trenton wanted to stay with me Friday night and me take him to his first clinic. Of course, we did just that!
Before I go into the excitement of his first clinic, I have to tell you about the oh so sweet invite I received from Trenton. Late in the evening a few hours after dinner, I heard Trenton run into the kitchen to fetch his "midnight snack". It doesn't matter what time of the night it is, it is always referred to as a "midnight snack" by Trenton. Whether it be 8 or 9 o'clock, it is still a "midnight snack". :) After he ran back to his room, I decided that a "midnight" snack sounded good to me also, so I went and grabbed one and decided to join him in his room to eat mine also. When I walked in Trenton had a blanket spread out on his bedroom floor and said, "Oh Mommy! I was just about to ask you if you wanted to join me for an indoor picnic! Get it!? An Indoor picnic!!" as he pointed to the blanket he had spread out so perfect and even. Of course, I just thought this was the sweetest invite in the world, so I was quick to plop down on the blanket and enjoy the adventure. After our picnic, Trenton and I played and played and played! We made lego villages for his pokemon and dodged attacks from World War 2 fight planes driven by Ewoks until we both fell asleep in his bed. Which I have to add, I will never turn down the chance to lay on his bed for he has a tempurpedic mattress that I myself am jealous of to no end!
Now onto basketball!!! We got up Saturday morning, and both of us were so excited we couldn't hardly wait for the time to leave the house and head that way! On the way there, Trenton informed me that he might not be able to make a goal, and when I told him "It's okay if you don't Trenton. It's just meant for fun anyways" he had the smartest reply ever, "Yeah, if I don't I will just have to practice, practice, practice!"
We get to the clinic and all of the ball players are seated on the sidelines of the court waiting for their age groups chance to go. I went and sat in the bleachers and waited impatiently until it was Trenton's turn. And finally after what seemed like forever, it was his time to go. They had them run while dribbling across half the court at first, and I have to admit, Trenton was by far not the best at that. Bless his heart, He just wasn't bouncing the ball hard enough for it to come back up to him, so he was bent over while running and trying to reach the ball that was barely bouncing off the ground. He stuck it out and made it back, but I could tell that he was a little embarrassed by it. He kinda just shrugged his shoulders and had that certain look on his face that every mother knows their child has when they aren't the proudest about something they have done. From right then, I was worried that his self-esteem wasn't going to be the highest when it came to playing basketball. But, Trenton held his chin up and went on to line up to see their ability to shoot baskets. And while he was in line, I could still see the look of worry on his face. So while he was waiting with nervousness in line, I was sitting in the stands with my fingers crossed, and my heart breaking. When I say heart breaking, you may think that is a little over exaggerated.. as a mother, I can't stand to see my son worried, embarrassed, let down, or whatever else you want to add to the list. Anything he goes through that is something other than perfect, upsets me.
Finally, it was Trenton's turn to shoot. He walked up to the spot the coaches pointed to and went for it without a second thought. And to mine and his surprise, he made a perfect shot! Nothing but net!!!! He turned around with the biggest smile and look of excitement and surprise on his face, waved at me and gave me a big thumbs up! Of course, a thumbs up from my direction went right back to him!!! I was so happy for him especially after the dribbling incident earlier! I had sat there the whole time with the picture of him trying his hardest to dribble in my mind, feeling his let down in my own heart, and when I saw him make that shot, it couldn't have reassured me anymore that he was going to leave the clinic a happy camper.
When the clinic was over and we were leaving, Trenton was so excited he had to call David and Nana to let them know what he had done. And then the determination to learn to dribble better kicked in. On the way to meet his Dad, all he talked about was that he needed a basketball and basketball goal. And proceeded to ask me a million questions about "Air Jordan", not Michael Jordan, But "Air Jordan". After explaining to Trenton that "Air Jordan" wasn't always good at basketball, and that he had to practice and learn the same as Trenton is having to do, Trenton was dead set that he was going to practice until he was the best! Now that is the determination I always try to instill in my little man. Never give up, and always believe in yourself. And apparently, he has listened every time I have told him that, because he definitely had the motivation and drive in him Saturday to prove to everyone he would be a better dribbler by the next practice.
As soon as I dropped Trenton off with his Daddy, I instantly had my separation anxiety hit me. My first stop was to buy Trenton his first basketball. In which would not be complete without a red bow tied around it to make it special. I was jealous that I wasn't getting to share the exciting day with Trenton and celebrate him making a goal. :( And all day, I just pictured him being upset over not being able to dribble. I just felt so sorry for him! I actually thought about it so much, I got myself upset and almost into tears. You would think the exciting surprise shot would make me totally forget the shame of the dribbling. And any other time, it probably would. But being Trenton wasn't around to assure me he was okay, and that he himself was over the dribbling moment, it just sat heavy on my heart. Heavy enough he has ended up with a basketball, new ewok hallmark ornaments, and some new how to train your dragons hatching eggs. :) Now, only if tomorrow could get here fast enough for me to give him all of these things he has been wanting!
The oddest thing of me feeling this way the entire weekend, is the fact that kids are so resilient. Something can happen to them and although they have an upsetting emotion over it at the time, they go on and never think twice about it. I on the other hand, am not able to do that. Lord how I wish I was with the way I worry myself to death over things that are as small as an ant at times. Such as the dribbling incident... Yes, I may have overreacted to how he must have felt, making myself upset over it all day yesterday. But it is just my nature when it comes to Trenton. I worry about nothing more in life than him. I am constantly worrying about how he must feel in certain situations, if he feels like he is as important as I feel he is, and so forth... I've never in my life had anxiety or emotions as strong as I have until I was blessed with Trenton. I have often wondered at times what I have done that was so good in God's eyes that he would bless me with such an amazing, sweet, caring, tender-hearted, smart, funny and handsome son like Trenton. But I do have to admit, I don't care what the purpose is or was, I am just thankful to the stars that it happened. Because of him, I am who I am today. Happier, more caring, and having more love towards anything I ever knew possible so why in the world should I ever question it? There is no better feeling in this world than having your heart and soul standing right in front of you, vocalizing how much he loves you, and how special he thinks you are, and what a great mommy he feels like he has. To that, I know our bond and feelings will always hold us tight, and can only wait for the excitement and pitter patter of our hearts once he shows his team how he can dribble that basketball next time! :) :)
Yesterday was the his first basketball clinic. And although it is his weekend to be at his dad's house, Trenton wanted to stay with me Friday night and me take him to his first clinic. Of course, we did just that!
Before I go into the excitement of his first clinic, I have to tell you about the oh so sweet invite I received from Trenton. Late in the evening a few hours after dinner, I heard Trenton run into the kitchen to fetch his "midnight snack". It doesn't matter what time of the night it is, it is always referred to as a "midnight snack" by Trenton. Whether it be 8 or 9 o'clock, it is still a "midnight snack". :) After he ran back to his room, I decided that a "midnight" snack sounded good to me also, so I went and grabbed one and decided to join him in his room to eat mine also. When I walked in Trenton had a blanket spread out on his bedroom floor and said, "Oh Mommy! I was just about to ask you if you wanted to join me for an indoor picnic! Get it!? An Indoor picnic!!" as he pointed to the blanket he had spread out so perfect and even. Of course, I just thought this was the sweetest invite in the world, so I was quick to plop down on the blanket and enjoy the adventure. After our picnic, Trenton and I played and played and played! We made lego villages for his pokemon and dodged attacks from World War 2 fight planes driven by Ewoks until we both fell asleep in his bed. Which I have to add, I will never turn down the chance to lay on his bed for he has a tempurpedic mattress that I myself am jealous of to no end!
Now onto basketball!!! We got up Saturday morning, and both of us were so excited we couldn't hardly wait for the time to leave the house and head that way! On the way there, Trenton informed me that he might not be able to make a goal, and when I told him "It's okay if you don't Trenton. It's just meant for fun anyways" he had the smartest reply ever, "Yeah, if I don't I will just have to practice, practice, practice!"
We get to the clinic and all of the ball players are seated on the sidelines of the court waiting for their age groups chance to go. I went and sat in the bleachers and waited impatiently until it was Trenton's turn. And finally after what seemed like forever, it was his time to go. They had them run while dribbling across half the court at first, and I have to admit, Trenton was by far not the best at that. Bless his heart, He just wasn't bouncing the ball hard enough for it to come back up to him, so he was bent over while running and trying to reach the ball that was barely bouncing off the ground. He stuck it out and made it back, but I could tell that he was a little embarrassed by it. He kinda just shrugged his shoulders and had that certain look on his face that every mother knows their child has when they aren't the proudest about something they have done. From right then, I was worried that his self-esteem wasn't going to be the highest when it came to playing basketball. But, Trenton held his chin up and went on to line up to see their ability to shoot baskets. And while he was in line, I could still see the look of worry on his face. So while he was waiting with nervousness in line, I was sitting in the stands with my fingers crossed, and my heart breaking. When I say heart breaking, you may think that is a little over exaggerated.. as a mother, I can't stand to see my son worried, embarrassed, let down, or whatever else you want to add to the list. Anything he goes through that is something other than perfect, upsets me.
Finally, it was Trenton's turn to shoot. He walked up to the spot the coaches pointed to and went for it without a second thought. And to mine and his surprise, he made a perfect shot! Nothing but net!!!! He turned around with the biggest smile and look of excitement and surprise on his face, waved at me and gave me a big thumbs up! Of course, a thumbs up from my direction went right back to him!!! I was so happy for him especially after the dribbling incident earlier! I had sat there the whole time with the picture of him trying his hardest to dribble in my mind, feeling his let down in my own heart, and when I saw him make that shot, it couldn't have reassured me anymore that he was going to leave the clinic a happy camper.
When the clinic was over and we were leaving, Trenton was so excited he had to call David and Nana to let them know what he had done. And then the determination to learn to dribble better kicked in. On the way to meet his Dad, all he talked about was that he needed a basketball and basketball goal. And proceeded to ask me a million questions about "Air Jordan", not Michael Jordan, But "Air Jordan". After explaining to Trenton that "Air Jordan" wasn't always good at basketball, and that he had to practice and learn the same as Trenton is having to do, Trenton was dead set that he was going to practice until he was the best! Now that is the determination I always try to instill in my little man. Never give up, and always believe in yourself. And apparently, he has listened every time I have told him that, because he definitely had the motivation and drive in him Saturday to prove to everyone he would be a better dribbler by the next practice.
As soon as I dropped Trenton off with his Daddy, I instantly had my separation anxiety hit me. My first stop was to buy Trenton his first basketball. In which would not be complete without a red bow tied around it to make it special. I was jealous that I wasn't getting to share the exciting day with Trenton and celebrate him making a goal. :( And all day, I just pictured him being upset over not being able to dribble. I just felt so sorry for him! I actually thought about it so much, I got myself upset and almost into tears. You would think the exciting surprise shot would make me totally forget the shame of the dribbling. And any other time, it probably would. But being Trenton wasn't around to assure me he was okay, and that he himself was over the dribbling moment, it just sat heavy on my heart. Heavy enough he has ended up with a basketball, new ewok hallmark ornaments, and some new how to train your dragons hatching eggs. :) Now, only if tomorrow could get here fast enough for me to give him all of these things he has been wanting!
The oddest thing of me feeling this way the entire weekend, is the fact that kids are so resilient. Something can happen to them and although they have an upsetting emotion over it at the time, they go on and never think twice about it. I on the other hand, am not able to do that. Lord how I wish I was with the way I worry myself to death over things that are as small as an ant at times. Such as the dribbling incident... Yes, I may have overreacted to how he must have felt, making myself upset over it all day yesterday. But it is just my nature when it comes to Trenton. I worry about nothing more in life than him. I am constantly worrying about how he must feel in certain situations, if he feels like he is as important as I feel he is, and so forth... I've never in my life had anxiety or emotions as strong as I have until I was blessed with Trenton. I have often wondered at times what I have done that was so good in God's eyes that he would bless me with such an amazing, sweet, caring, tender-hearted, smart, funny and handsome son like Trenton. But I do have to admit, I don't care what the purpose is or was, I am just thankful to the stars that it happened. Because of him, I am who I am today. Happier, more caring, and having more love towards anything I ever knew possible so why in the world should I ever question it? There is no better feeling in this world than having your heart and soul standing right in front of you, vocalizing how much he loves you, and how special he thinks you are, and what a great mommy he feels like he has. To that, I know our bond and feelings will always hold us tight, and can only wait for the excitement and pitter patter of our hearts once he shows his team how he can dribble that basketball next time! :) :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
The planes are in the air, and the F-Bomb just hit the ground!
If you are a parent, you may be able to relate to me when I say that I believe it is every parents wish to be able to have such a close relationship with your child that they feel like they can talk to you about anything. And I do mean, Anything at all. For me at least, this is something that I pray Trenton and I will be able to hold onto no matter what age and what phase he is going through. Even though a 7yr old is "just a 7yr old", there are still many things that go through their little minds that I never dreamed of. I'm sure I the same had different worries and things going on at that age, I just am not able to remember exactly what emotions and trials I faced at that age other than which Barbie was going to be my pick of the day, and then of course picking one of the hundreds of outfits I had for her was just as important. With Trenton, there are so many different things that he talks to me about. Whether it be something he learned at school, something he saw on the news (which I really have to watch myself on when I am watching the news... Trenton doesn't forget anything! It will literally bother him for weeks...), something he has imagined, and the list goes on. I have always tried to be open with Trenton and never lie to him about anything. Yes, I may leave out a few details due to filtering it for a 7 yr old's mind, but I try to be as open as possible. I have a fear that if I lie to him about certain things now even to protect him at this point in time until he is old enough, when he does get older and realizes the truth behind things, he won't trust me and we won't have such a close relationship. I think it is every child's dream to have a parent that they can talk to about anything without fear of being in trouble. Don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer that you must be the parent first, and then the friend, but no parent can tell me they don't want to be able to have the friendship relationship with their child. Right now, I can honestly say that Trenton comes to me about everything. He is very open and honest with me, and for that, I could not ask for anymore out of him. I am very appreciative of the relationship Trenton and I have. We have a very special bond, and it is the most absolute incredible feeling in the world. I make sure when Trenton is talking to me and asks me to pinkie promise that I won't tell anyone, I do just that. I keep it to myself. I can't imagine how upsetting it would be to Trenton to think he trusted me with something so deep within his little heart that he didn't feel comfortable with anyone else knowing, and to find out I told it. Plus, everyone knows... you NEVER break a pinkie promise!
And although I have instilled this very trustworthy bond between us, I was by all means no where prepared for the event that happened today.....
Let me first say that Trenton was in the best mood when I picked him up from school today! His name was drawn from the bucket of caught being good tickets, so he got to go to the office and pick a prize from the prize box. Of course, Trenton picks glow in the dark Vampire teeth :) And might I add, that Edward better watch out! If word gets around at how good looking of a vampire Trenton makes, Edward will be nothing but fishpaste as Trenton would say! :) So after a very talkative ride home, we got here and he went to his room to play and watch TV. After about 30 minutes he came running in here and started to tell me something, and just like numerous occasions to was interrupted by "OHHHHH GOTTA PEE!" I'm not really sure how it has came about in our household, but the whole peaceful bathroom moments, are non-existent. Trenton is notorious for not shutting the door while peeing. And he is also notorious for talking to you while he is peeing, and even trying to yell and talk to you through the door while of course doing the #2 deed. So after running in the bathroom, he is doing the usual, peeing while still going on with what he intended to tell me in the first place. If you know Trenton, when he gets excited he is just like me. He's starts talking and within minutes his mouth is going mach 9. Needless to say, I never caught exactly what it was that he had seen on TV to spark this excitement but between the sound of him peeing, the toilet flushing, and then the running water while he washed his hands, he informed me that a man said "Get the F&%# out of here!" YES, my heart fell to the ground. Did my son really just drop the f bomb on me? Yes, he did. First the thought that I need to start blocking certain rated channels ran through my mind, then the what do I do? Do I punish him for it?.. Trenton and I had a talk, and he informed me that he was not saying it to be ugly (that is the term we use for being "bad"), that he was just repeating what that man said on TV. Of course, I reminded him that he is to never say words like that, and even if he thinks he can say it when I'm not around and think I won't know, he is wrong and that mommy's always know everything! :) Naturally as Trenton always does, he got the worried look on his face that he had disappointed me. And although I can not lie, it definitely caught me off guard, and it definitely made me realize he is no longer a baby, and a piece of my heart hit the ground the same time my jaw did, I could not be upset at him over it because of one simple thought he he had and said to me during our conversation...."I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean it to be ugly, I just wanted to tell you what the man said. You always tell me that I can tell you anything and you won't be mad at me."
The one thing I have always assured him of, and the one thing I have always hoped and prayed that he would know deep in his heart, came true. Regardless of the situation, he came to me and told me about it. It may have been a situation I definitely was not expecting at that given moment.... but it was a moment of pure joy in a weird way. Although Trenton knew better than to say that word, he still felt comfortable enough to come talk to me about it anyway. Now, If I can only figure out a way for him to keep this up through out every situation and experience he faces in life, my wish will come true!
And although I have instilled this very trustworthy bond between us, I was by all means no where prepared for the event that happened today.....
Let me first say that Trenton was in the best mood when I picked him up from school today! His name was drawn from the bucket of caught being good tickets, so he got to go to the office and pick a prize from the prize box. Of course, Trenton picks glow in the dark Vampire teeth :) And might I add, that Edward better watch out! If word gets around at how good looking of a vampire Trenton makes, Edward will be nothing but fishpaste as Trenton would say! :) So after a very talkative ride home, we got here and he went to his room to play and watch TV. After about 30 minutes he came running in here and started to tell me something, and just like numerous occasions to was interrupted by "OHHHHH GOTTA PEE!" I'm not really sure how it has came about in our household, but the whole peaceful bathroom moments, are non-existent. Trenton is notorious for not shutting the door while peeing. And he is also notorious for talking to you while he is peeing, and even trying to yell and talk to you through the door while of course doing the #2 deed. So after running in the bathroom, he is doing the usual, peeing while still going on with what he intended to tell me in the first place. If you know Trenton, when he gets excited he is just like me. He's starts talking and within minutes his mouth is going mach 9. Needless to say, I never caught exactly what it was that he had seen on TV to spark this excitement but between the sound of him peeing, the toilet flushing, and then the running water while he washed his hands, he informed me that a man said "Get the F&%# out of here!" YES, my heart fell to the ground. Did my son really just drop the f bomb on me? Yes, he did. First the thought that I need to start blocking certain rated channels ran through my mind, then the what do I do? Do I punish him for it?.. Trenton and I had a talk, and he informed me that he was not saying it to be ugly (that is the term we use for being "bad"), that he was just repeating what that man said on TV. Of course, I reminded him that he is to never say words like that, and even if he thinks he can say it when I'm not around and think I won't know, he is wrong and that mommy's always know everything! :) Naturally as Trenton always does, he got the worried look on his face that he had disappointed me. And although I can not lie, it definitely caught me off guard, and it definitely made me realize he is no longer a baby, and a piece of my heart hit the ground the same time my jaw did, I could not be upset at him over it because of one simple thought he he had and said to me during our conversation...."I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean it to be ugly, I just wanted to tell you what the man said. You always tell me that I can tell you anything and you won't be mad at me."
The one thing I have always assured him of, and the one thing I have always hoped and prayed that he would know deep in his heart, came true. Regardless of the situation, he came to me and told me about it. It may have been a situation I definitely was not expecting at that given moment.... but it was a moment of pure joy in a weird way. Although Trenton knew better than to say that word, he still felt comfortable enough to come talk to me about it anyway. Now, If I can only figure out a way for him to keep this up through out every situation and experience he faces in life, my wish will come true!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Smooth skin, pretty eyes, and a pink cadillac
Well Tuesday, I took a leap of faith in something I have known about for years, but never thought of in a serious manner until then. A friend invited me to be a face for her and help her out with her Mary Kay Business. Being I used to wear Mary Kay all the time, and have always loved it, there was no way I was going to pass up a free night of Mary Kay fun! So you guessed it... I agreed to take part! :)
I have known a few people who have been Mary Kay consultants, and honestly, they never really did much with it. If you needed anything, or wanted to book a party they were up for it. But I have never really seen someone with the drive and motivation behind it. Abby definately was one of the first I have ever seen be so passionate about it. She has been selling Mary Kay for a little over 2 months and has already accomplished so much. She is up for her 1st free car, and a director in qualification. What a huge deal that is!!!!!
About halfway through the facial party, I started sparking up more and more interest in it. Abby just had a way of really making the intial sign on fee well worth it. She was super approachable, very prepared, had tons of knoweledgement (it was very apparent she did her homework!), and showed a true passion for this business. And as she went on telling about the things Mary Kay can do for you, and especially when she mentioned that she had just moved and literally only knew 2 people, whom were her 2 next door neighbors where she lived, and had already done so well. Thats when my wheels started turning! And apparently, Abby saw the wheels burning rubber also, because she asked if I had ever considered doing it myself. And although I had never really thought about it before, it was definately something on my mind that night.
So long story short, I ended up signing up and becoming a consultant myself! This may seem like no big deal being there are quite a few people around here that sell it, but when I show the world what I can do with this, it will be a big deal! Abby's success story alone is enough to make you want to atleast take a stab at it. But, in all reality, I have a high confidence about myself with this, and I honestly feel like I have what it takes. And if I dont, by gosh, I'm going to learn it!
Who doesn't need the extra cash around the holidays? Especially when you have a son with a birthday 20 days before Christmas! And who doesn't want the opportunity to win all kinds of neat prizes, and have the chance of getting a BRAND NEW CAR?! I know, I am willing to try anything to make a better living and to be able to just have extra money to do fun family things if nothing else. And if you love Mary Kay, who wouldn't want to get their products 50% off? Now, that is what I'm talking about! Cheap, quality products, along with extra holiday money!? How much better can it get? Oh, but it does! Mary Kay is truly about rewarding you for your accomplishments and I can not wait to see where I go with this!
And also, Who would not want to look their best during the Holidays? Have a glow about you that makes everyone stare, and have all of your out of town guests talking about how good you look? I know, this time of year I am dead set on getting my nails done. I don't know what it is about it, but I want a pretty set of french manicured acrylic nails, and a new sweater, and I will feel great. Now, I will have my nails, sweater, and a fresh new look on my skin! Everyone wants people to notice them for the good... and everyone loves getting compliments. Mary Kay is a for sure way to get these!
The Basic collection is a must! The cleanser and lotion make your face absolutely feel like heaven. So smooth and silky! That was an instant purchase right at that moment for me! Not only does it come with the cleanser and moisturizer, it also comes with a foundation. These 3 products used together, is a gurantee of love at first touch, and sight! Like I mentioned before, your skin feels great, and it LOOKS great! And when you're skin looks great, you FEEL great!
Within the next week, I am going to be available to start booking parties with or for just product purchasing. Definately take this into consideration! If all else fails, whats not fun about having a free night of make up fun, and earning free products just by having the party? How much easier could it get, in order to experience the sensation of Mary Kay?
Hope to hear from you soon!
I have known a few people who have been Mary Kay consultants, and honestly, they never really did much with it. If you needed anything, or wanted to book a party they were up for it. But I have never really seen someone with the drive and motivation behind it. Abby definately was one of the first I have ever seen be so passionate about it. She has been selling Mary Kay for a little over 2 months and has already accomplished so much. She is up for her 1st free car, and a director in qualification. What a huge deal that is!!!!!
About halfway through the facial party, I started sparking up more and more interest in it. Abby just had a way of really making the intial sign on fee well worth it. She was super approachable, very prepared, had tons of knoweledgement (it was very apparent she did her homework!), and showed a true passion for this business. And as she went on telling about the things Mary Kay can do for you, and especially when she mentioned that she had just moved and literally only knew 2 people, whom were her 2 next door neighbors where she lived, and had already done so well. Thats when my wheels started turning! And apparently, Abby saw the wheels burning rubber also, because she asked if I had ever considered doing it myself. And although I had never really thought about it before, it was definately something on my mind that night.
So long story short, I ended up signing up and becoming a consultant myself! This may seem like no big deal being there are quite a few people around here that sell it, but when I show the world what I can do with this, it will be a big deal! Abby's success story alone is enough to make you want to atleast take a stab at it. But, in all reality, I have a high confidence about myself with this, and I honestly feel like I have what it takes. And if I dont, by gosh, I'm going to learn it!
Who doesn't need the extra cash around the holidays? Especially when you have a son with a birthday 20 days before Christmas! And who doesn't want the opportunity to win all kinds of neat prizes, and have the chance of getting a BRAND NEW CAR?! I know, I am willing to try anything to make a better living and to be able to just have extra money to do fun family things if nothing else. And if you love Mary Kay, who wouldn't want to get their products 50% off? Now, that is what I'm talking about! Cheap, quality products, along with extra holiday money!? How much better can it get? Oh, but it does! Mary Kay is truly about rewarding you for your accomplishments and I can not wait to see where I go with this!
And also, Who would not want to look their best during the Holidays? Have a glow about you that makes everyone stare, and have all of your out of town guests talking about how good you look? I know, this time of year I am dead set on getting my nails done. I don't know what it is about it, but I want a pretty set of french manicured acrylic nails, and a new sweater, and I will feel great. Now, I will have my nails, sweater, and a fresh new look on my skin! Everyone wants people to notice them for the good... and everyone loves getting compliments. Mary Kay is a for sure way to get these!
The Basic collection is a must! The cleanser and lotion make your face absolutely feel like heaven. So smooth and silky! That was an instant purchase right at that moment for me! Not only does it come with the cleanser and moisturizer, it also comes with a foundation. These 3 products used together, is a gurantee of love at first touch, and sight! Like I mentioned before, your skin feels great, and it LOOKS great! And when you're skin looks great, you FEEL great!
Within the next week, I am going to be available to start booking parties with or for just product purchasing. Definately take this into consideration! If all else fails, whats not fun about having a free night of make up fun, and earning free products just by having the party? How much easier could it get, in order to experience the sensation of Mary Kay?
Hope to hear from you soon!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday, Funday, BlahDay
I have came to a realization that Sunday's can be one of the most boring days of the week. Everything opens late, closes early, and in the small town in which I reside, there is nothing to do on Fridays, or Saturdays, so there is definately not one thing to do on Sundays.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Sundays. It's guaranteed Family day around my house. If we feel like staying in pajamas all day, that is what we do. Of course, one good thing about being in jammies and not leaving the house on Sundays, is the fact that you get to totally indulge yourself in all of the lifetime movies. By not having makeup on yet, you are able to cry your eyes out, letting the tears pour down your face without looking like a clown gone mad. Only sucky thing about staying in your jammies til mid-afternoon, by the time you decide to get dressed and run to the store, it's already almost 5:00 and then you feel like it's nothing but a waste of makeup because in a matter of a few hours, you will be wiping your face clean for a new slate to work your magic on the next morning.
And lord forbid if you actually decide to go to the famous hangout of Glasgow, WALMART. There are so many people there! It's a panic attack waiting to happen when you try to fight a sunday crowd at walmart. Not to mention, it is always my luck to be the victim of buggies running over the back of my heels. OUCH! And to top it off, the person that does this to you, looks at you as if it is your fault they ran you over. I seriously think there should be a law for this. You aren't allowed to follow behind the car in front of you by so many feet while driving... this should be the number one rule of shopping at walmart. No Buggy Tailing or something... There would definately be less bruised heels!
Trenton woke up in the best mood this morning! After getting up and eating a banana for breakfast, he dozed back off to sleep for a while. About 9:30 I went in his room and asked him to get up because he wouldn't go to bed on time for school in the morning if he slep too late. Well let me tell ya, He jumped right up and started talking away! He said, "Okay! I was just taking a little nap! Naps just help give me more energy! Hey Mama, did you know that riolu, actually everyone has an aura? Yeah the 'menditate' like this..." In which he crossed his legs, and held his thumb and pointer fingers together and did the meditate stance you picture when someone mentions meditation. It was just too funny! Not to mention the whole reference to Riolu.. his favorite Pokemon character. And not to forget the whole "menditate" pronounciation. I know I should correct him on these things when he says them wrong, but sometimes it's just so darn cute I can't find it in my heart to tell him.
And after my complaints of Walmart, guess where we are abou to head? You guessed it! Walmart! Wish us luck, and happy heels when leaving! :)
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Sundays. It's guaranteed Family day around my house. If we feel like staying in pajamas all day, that is what we do. Of course, one good thing about being in jammies and not leaving the house on Sundays, is the fact that you get to totally indulge yourself in all of the lifetime movies. By not having makeup on yet, you are able to cry your eyes out, letting the tears pour down your face without looking like a clown gone mad. Only sucky thing about staying in your jammies til mid-afternoon, by the time you decide to get dressed and run to the store, it's already almost 5:00 and then you feel like it's nothing but a waste of makeup because in a matter of a few hours, you will be wiping your face clean for a new slate to work your magic on the next morning.
And lord forbid if you actually decide to go to the famous hangout of Glasgow, WALMART. There are so many people there! It's a panic attack waiting to happen when you try to fight a sunday crowd at walmart. Not to mention, it is always my luck to be the victim of buggies running over the back of my heels. OUCH! And to top it off, the person that does this to you, looks at you as if it is your fault they ran you over. I seriously think there should be a law for this. You aren't allowed to follow behind the car in front of you by so many feet while driving... this should be the number one rule of shopping at walmart. No Buggy Tailing or something... There would definately be less bruised heels!
Trenton woke up in the best mood this morning! After getting up and eating a banana for breakfast, he dozed back off to sleep for a while. About 9:30 I went in his room and asked him to get up because he wouldn't go to bed on time for school in the morning if he slep too late. Well let me tell ya, He jumped right up and started talking away! He said, "Okay! I was just taking a little nap! Naps just help give me more energy! Hey Mama, did you know that riolu, actually everyone has an aura? Yeah the 'menditate' like this..." In which he crossed his legs, and held his thumb and pointer fingers together and did the meditate stance you picture when someone mentions meditation. It was just too funny! Not to mention the whole reference to Riolu.. his favorite Pokemon character. And not to forget the whole "menditate" pronounciation. I know I should correct him on these things when he says them wrong, but sometimes it's just so darn cute I can't find it in my heart to tell him.
And after my complaints of Walmart, guess where we are abou to head? You guessed it! Walmart! Wish us luck, and happy heels when leaving! :)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
"Whoa, it sure is blustery!"
It's the most wonderful time of the year! NOT! :) I am finally realizing that winter is around the corner... this is definately a part of the year that I am not looking forward to. It amazes me because in the dead heat of summer, I almost always say I can't wait until the fall season where everything starts to cool off a bit. But when wishing these things, I often forget that after fall comes winter. Don't get me wrong, there are some perks to the winter months. You finally get to wear all of your scarfs, boggins, and then of course the cheer of the holiday spirit comes around.
Snow of course is every child's favorite, including mine. Seeing his face when there is a big snow on the ground, and the excitement he gets over playing in it and making snowmen, makes it the best thing at that moment. Then the realization kicks in. It's freezing, makes nothing but a mess out of your car, and your house after having to walk through it to get indoors, and not to mention that it makes a complete nightmare out of just trying to go to the store to pick up a few things. I'm not sure if this happens to every town, or if it is just one of the pleasures of living in a town that is old fashioned and out dated, but I find it to be annoying that if the weather man is even calling for snow flurries, everyone goes and buys up all the milk, bread, hot dogs, etc... I don't know if its the natural fear from the year we had the major ice storm or if our economy is that panicked in every day life, but I find it to be one of the silliest things people around here do. People look at you like you are crazy when they ask you if you went and stocked up for the weather and you reply with "no". When in all reality, they are crazy for going and spending money on food items that they already have, but just feel the need to get more in case a natural disaster is about to hit their house. When I say "Natural Disaster", I do mean the "calling for flurries" broadcast on the local weather channel. Besides the nightmare calling for snow events, does come the Christmas holidays. I love the warm feeling a well decorated, lighted christmas tree instantly brings to the house! Driving down the road listening to christmas carols on North Pole Radio, and seeing all of the twinkling lights brings a warm spirit to any soul. Of course, I am determined to always have the prettiest wrapping job on my christmas presents, therefore I am on the hunt for the perfect sparkly ribbon, and wrapping paper with sparkles through the season. And amongst all of the holiday spirit comes the stress of money. I have been blessed with a little boy who's birthday is 20 days before christmas. As if the hunt for the perfect birthday gift isnt enough, I am then left on the prowl for the perfect christmas present that he doesnt have already from his previous birthday. What do you do when you have a little one who has everything they could possibly want? Trenton is an only grandchild so you can imagine just how "spoiled" he really is. So many people make christmas about how much you get and who can give the most. I really think people have forgotten the true meaning of the holidays. The fun, spirit, and meaning have mutated into something of stress, dread, and greed. It really is a shame...
Amongst the ranting I have made about the winter season, there are some things that make this depressing sunless time of year worth it. For one, the chill in the house leads to some awesome snuggling time with Trenton! Trenton is a #1 fan of hot chocolate year round. I have to try to talk him out of getting it at the gas stations in the summer due to the fact it burns me up to think about him drinking it in 90 degree weather. But for the winter months, my cupboards stay stocked up with his favorite brand of hot chocolate and mini marshmallows. There is no better feeling than watching him sip his favorite drink and brag about how good it is while snuggled up to me with our favorite blanket, and watching tv. Having Trenton in my life has definately made me appreciate the small things. I am willing to do anything from making a fool out of myself, or surprising him with something he has been wanting in order to see him smile and have a good time. He has the most contagious little chuckle you've ever heard! It doesn't matter what kind of day I have had, or what I have on my mind, his little laugh makes everything okay! And although I had my moment of complaining about the hunt for gifts for him for his birthday and christmas, I can't deny that it is also something I love to do. I love the planning of his birthday parties, making sure he has the theme he wants, and letting him look through tons of cakes until he thinks he has found the perfect cake. And of course, at christmas there is no bigger smile than the one he puts on my face when he lights up with excitement and astonishment when he see's that Santa has brought him exactly what he has been asking for!
Now onto the tale of the blustery day! Hence my blog title :) This weeks weather has definately been a lot cooler, and the wind on top of it blowing so hard has really made the chill of winter start to kick in. Of course with us living on top of a huge hill, we always have a pretty good breeze at our house. In the summer and fall I appreciated this breeze, but now that the temperature is plumitting down hill fast, I am not so appreciative of it. When its cold, its cold. But add a breeze, and its freezing. We got up this morning the same as always. First step of the morning, turn on the TV for there is a pokemon marathon on. This alone has made Trenton's day already! Next step, let Josie out to use the bathroom. Josie is a little yorkie, and our family dog. She was a gift from Santa Claus 2 years ago. We normally will leave the door cracked for a few minutes while she is outside that way she can just run back in when she is ready. Being that it has been 40 degrees out, we now make sure we shut the door. Trenton actually left it open the other day and when I told him we couldn't do that anymore, and made the old comment that he was "letting all of the heat out", he was quick to inform me that he wasn't letting the heat out, he was just trying to warm the neighborhood up that way it wouldn't be so cold. And to no surprise, I could do nothing but laugh about it. 9 times out of 10, Trenton comes up with so many things that throw me off guard that I don't even have a comment. I can only laugh! After about 10 minutes of Josie being outside this morning, I asked Trenton if he would let her in. He opened the door and was calling for her in his sweet little voice, and then stepped out onto the porch. Keep in mind, that Trenton was yet to get dressed so he was still running around in nothing more than his camo boxer briefs. No sooner than he stepped out, he came right back in with his little arms crossed rubbing his hands on his arms, as you do when you are cold, and he said "WHOA!!! it is a BLUSTERY day out there today!" And as bad as I hate to admitt it, I at first had no clue what blustery meant. No worries though, Trenton was quick to explain to me that it meant it was really windy outside. Between him standing there in his camo boxers, and the look on his face that clearly was saying "I can't believe you don't know what that means", it was just too darn cute!
As you will soon learn by reading my posts, Trenton is by far one of the sweetest, smartest, and funniest kids I've ever met! I can honestly sasy that I am as proud of a mommy as they come! Proud of the way he is so compassionate, and caring towards his peers. Proud that he is beyond his grade level in school (he is in 2nd grade but in 4th grade reading and math). And Proud that he can find the humor in everyday life that so many of us forget about. If more people could have a little of Trenton inside of them, they would see that life isn't as bad as they make it out to be!
Snow of course is every child's favorite, including mine. Seeing his face when there is a big snow on the ground, and the excitement he gets over playing in it and making snowmen, makes it the best thing at that moment. Then the realization kicks in. It's freezing, makes nothing but a mess out of your car, and your house after having to walk through it to get indoors, and not to mention that it makes a complete nightmare out of just trying to go to the store to pick up a few things. I'm not sure if this happens to every town, or if it is just one of the pleasures of living in a town that is old fashioned and out dated, but I find it to be annoying that if the weather man is even calling for snow flurries, everyone goes and buys up all the milk, bread, hot dogs, etc... I don't know if its the natural fear from the year we had the major ice storm or if our economy is that panicked in every day life, but I find it to be one of the silliest things people around here do. People look at you like you are crazy when they ask you if you went and stocked up for the weather and you reply with "no". When in all reality, they are crazy for going and spending money on food items that they already have, but just feel the need to get more in case a natural disaster is about to hit their house. When I say "Natural Disaster", I do mean the "calling for flurries" broadcast on the local weather channel. Besides the nightmare calling for snow events, does come the Christmas holidays. I love the warm feeling a well decorated, lighted christmas tree instantly brings to the house! Driving down the road listening to christmas carols on North Pole Radio, and seeing all of the twinkling lights brings a warm spirit to any soul. Of course, I am determined to always have the prettiest wrapping job on my christmas presents, therefore I am on the hunt for the perfect sparkly ribbon, and wrapping paper with sparkles through the season. And amongst all of the holiday spirit comes the stress of money. I have been blessed with a little boy who's birthday is 20 days before christmas. As if the hunt for the perfect birthday gift isnt enough, I am then left on the prowl for the perfect christmas present that he doesnt have already from his previous birthday. What do you do when you have a little one who has everything they could possibly want? Trenton is an only grandchild so you can imagine just how "spoiled" he really is. So many people make christmas about how much you get and who can give the most. I really think people have forgotten the true meaning of the holidays. The fun, spirit, and meaning have mutated into something of stress, dread, and greed. It really is a shame...
Amongst the ranting I have made about the winter season, there are some things that make this depressing sunless time of year worth it. For one, the chill in the house leads to some awesome snuggling time with Trenton! Trenton is a #1 fan of hot chocolate year round. I have to try to talk him out of getting it at the gas stations in the summer due to the fact it burns me up to think about him drinking it in 90 degree weather. But for the winter months, my cupboards stay stocked up with his favorite brand of hot chocolate and mini marshmallows. There is no better feeling than watching him sip his favorite drink and brag about how good it is while snuggled up to me with our favorite blanket, and watching tv. Having Trenton in my life has definately made me appreciate the small things. I am willing to do anything from making a fool out of myself, or surprising him with something he has been wanting in order to see him smile and have a good time. He has the most contagious little chuckle you've ever heard! It doesn't matter what kind of day I have had, or what I have on my mind, his little laugh makes everything okay! And although I had my moment of complaining about the hunt for gifts for him for his birthday and christmas, I can't deny that it is also something I love to do. I love the planning of his birthday parties, making sure he has the theme he wants, and letting him look through tons of cakes until he thinks he has found the perfect cake. And of course, at christmas there is no bigger smile than the one he puts on my face when he lights up with excitement and astonishment when he see's that Santa has brought him exactly what he has been asking for!
Now onto the tale of the blustery day! Hence my blog title :) This weeks weather has definately been a lot cooler, and the wind on top of it blowing so hard has really made the chill of winter start to kick in. Of course with us living on top of a huge hill, we always have a pretty good breeze at our house. In the summer and fall I appreciated this breeze, but now that the temperature is plumitting down hill fast, I am not so appreciative of it. When its cold, its cold. But add a breeze, and its freezing. We got up this morning the same as always. First step of the morning, turn on the TV for there is a pokemon marathon on. This alone has made Trenton's day already! Next step, let Josie out to use the bathroom. Josie is a little yorkie, and our family dog. She was a gift from Santa Claus 2 years ago. We normally will leave the door cracked for a few minutes while she is outside that way she can just run back in when she is ready. Being that it has been 40 degrees out, we now make sure we shut the door. Trenton actually left it open the other day and when I told him we couldn't do that anymore, and made the old comment that he was "letting all of the heat out", he was quick to inform me that he wasn't letting the heat out, he was just trying to warm the neighborhood up that way it wouldn't be so cold. And to no surprise, I could do nothing but laugh about it. 9 times out of 10, Trenton comes up with so many things that throw me off guard that I don't even have a comment. I can only laugh! After about 10 minutes of Josie being outside this morning, I asked Trenton if he would let her in. He opened the door and was calling for her in his sweet little voice, and then stepped out onto the porch. Keep in mind, that Trenton was yet to get dressed so he was still running around in nothing more than his camo boxer briefs. No sooner than he stepped out, he came right back in with his little arms crossed rubbing his hands on his arms, as you do when you are cold, and he said "WHOA!!! it is a BLUSTERY day out there today!" And as bad as I hate to admitt it, I at first had no clue what blustery meant. No worries though, Trenton was quick to explain to me that it meant it was really windy outside. Between him standing there in his camo boxers, and the look on his face that clearly was saying "I can't believe you don't know what that means", it was just too darn cute!
As you will soon learn by reading my posts, Trenton is by far one of the sweetest, smartest, and funniest kids I've ever met! I can honestly sasy that I am as proud of a mommy as they come! Proud of the way he is so compassionate, and caring towards his peers. Proud that he is beyond his grade level in school (he is in 2nd grade but in 4th grade reading and math). And Proud that he can find the humor in everyday life that so many of us forget about. If more people could have a little of Trenton inside of them, they would see that life isn't as bad as they make it out to be!
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