I may have my moments to where I am complaining about certain people in my life, but I can honestly say that I am fortunate to have a husband that I honestly have no complaints about. I have never dreamed of having a relationship that could be so perfect. I know you must be thinking I am full of it and I am sure that you are thinking there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. I get that. I honestly do because I once thought the same thing about relationships. Now, I just realize that I had a horrible habit of attracting the most psychotic assholes you have ever seen. The reason I didn't believe in it is because I had never experienced it. When I say that David and I get along, I mean it. And when I say I mean it, I mean we have literally never had a "fight". I honestly don't know what I would do or how I would react if David were to seriously yell at me. I'd probably be like a small kid traumatized, curled up in a ball, wrapped up in my blanky, crying. Yeah, you get the picture! I am so thankful for the relationship that David and I have with one another. I love being able to talk to David about anything and everything and never once feel as if I am going to be judged or put down for it. I love that I am 100% comfortable sitting at home with my 'boring' life and don't feel the need to run around all of the time in order to be happy. My happiness is within myself. I do not have to chase after it, and that my friends, is the best feeling in the world. David and I talk a lot. So much that at times we don't even turn the tv on due to just talking to each other. Today was one of those days. Grateful that I was off today after a hectic day of work, and trick or treating last night with the cutest Pokemon trainer you've ever seen, and grateful that I was able to spend the day with David. While sitting on the couch beside each other today, some how a conversation come up about someone I once knew. The more we talked, the more David started to bring up some points that I had never stopped to consider or realize. And the more he brought these points up, the more it all started to make sense. It all started due to a person that complains all of the time, complaining. Again. And as David and I were reflecting on what this person complains about, the reality of her all came into play. This person feels the need to be on the road and on the go every chance she has. She feels that she has to visit every person she knows every single day. And although that might not seem like a big deal to some, and it really isn't, if you knew this person and her ways, and could hear how David put it to me today, you too would have a light bulb going off over your head. For a while now, it has been brought to my attention that I never get out to do anything and that I never stop by to see people anymore like I once did a long time ago. And that I hardly talk on the phone or call anyone anymore when I used to always talk to people. For the longest time I have never been able to see what the big deal is that I no longer do these things. Today, David brought up the point that this person is so miserable with herself that she is dependent on having these friends in order to feel happy. She thrives off needing to feel special from someone and when you aren't giving her the attention she needs, she then gets angry. She doesn't just get mad at you like most people would, she gets very aggressive. Aggressive and angry towards you to the point that it is almost as if she is your spouse and has caught you doing something horrendous. It is an anger that comes from the depths of her
Also, what about the people you know that seem to have problems with every person in their life but that too is everybody elses fault and nothing to do with them? I mean, is it not strange that every person they come into contact with has a problems with them but it is every body else and not them? Think about it.... in these situations there is one common denominator. That person. Enough said! :)
One thing that sucks about a blog.... its hard to go into detail when it comes to a deep conversation without it rambling and getting confusing. It's hard to repeat the conversation by typing and it making as much sense as it did when it was being said to you. Right now, I'd give anything to be able to really explain the conversation that David and I had today. I have never heard anything that made as much sense in all my life when it came to someone. Especially after wondering what could possibly be going on in this person's head for so long to make them act the way they do. I have racked my brain for years over this and could never make heads or tails of it and I can honestly say that after spending the day with David today, I have it all figured out. Or should I say, David had it all figured out and just let me in on it! :) One thing David can do... talk. I don't care what it is about, he always has a point of view that you never seem to think of, and one that is always hitting the nail on the head. It's honestly amazing at times! I don't know if it's the way he is able to word it, or what exactly it is, but he has a way when talking about things that always seems to hit home with you. I love his point of views and I love going to him for advice because I know he never lies. No matter how harsh the truth may be, he says it and says it with confidence. And with the confidence he has in him when saying it, you cant help but feel confident about things after listening to him. If you ever get the chance to just sit down and talk to David, you too will know and understand exactly what I mean by this.
Now, onto my newest adventure. Or should I say, mine and Trenton's newest adventure. lol!! So after a long, exhausting, exciting, fun filled night of trick or treating, and after a night of watching Trenton actually eat some of his Halloween candy for what I believe was the first time ever, we all crashed once our sugar highs ran out! Trenton is not a big candy eater at all, hence why he normally doesn't care at all about getting candy while trick or treating. He honestly just enjoys dressing up and walking around in his costume and showing it off while looking and getting excited over other kid's costumes. He's actually really sweet about it!! But then again, I always think he is sweeter than any candy he could get trick or treating! Last night, he was so excited to walk around!! To see him so excited, made me so happy being we had a few little mishaps before trick or treating ever came around, even though it was close. You see, every year I normally order Trenton's costume and being we have always ordered it in the past, he gets the catalog to order from in the mail every year. Each year, it seems as if he gets more and more excited to look through it! :) Even after checking it out and picking out his costume, he will still look at it every single day just studying all of the costumes. I'm not sure as to how, or why but this year, we weren't as early about getting his costume as normal. We actually put it off so long, we didn't get to order his costume. So last Thursday, mom took Trenton to bowling green to pick out a costume. Needless to say, she took him to every store in existence nearly and he could not find the one he liked from the catalog so he was very let down and actually so upset he was saying that he didn't even want to go trick or treating this year. So while on break at work, and getting the chance to talk to him and mom and find out what was going on, and after mom assuring him that she would just go to walmart and pick him a costume out while he was at his dad's this past weekend, I finally talked Trenton into at least picking something that he could settle for and deal with after assuring him that if Nana had to pick it out on her own, he probably wouldn't be happy. So finally, he managed to pick out a star wars costume. Everything settled right? Or so we thought.... Friday afternoon, after getting to his dad's house i received a text from his step mom saying that his costume was entirely too small all to find out that although the package said 7-8, someone had in fact shoved a size 5-6 in the package. After being told that his step mom was going to take him to walmart to pick out another costume, I was hoping that everything was going to work out from there. Ha not... Although he did end up with a different type of star wars costume that he seemed to be "okay" with, even though he didn't even get to pick it out because she had her mother go to walmart and call telling what costumes hey had in his size. No big deal really, but I thought it took away from him getting to choose his costume being he had no idea what it even looked like since he had to just come up with whatever over the phone... but that is besides the point.. So Saturday, David and I went to walmart to pick out the stuff for Trenton's goody bags for his class, and I saw "ash" the Pokemon Trainer he always talks about, in his size. Needless to say, the costume was checked out along with our goody's for the bags! :) And needless to say, He was MORE than excited about the Pokemon character when his Nana gave it to him after school yesterday. So thankfully, he in fact got to go trick or treating as something he was considering going as in the first place. :) :) :) And let me tell you, he was the sweetest thing when I pulled up to get him for trick or treating and he had that costume on with a stuffed little Pokemon in his hand! I have to say, I was very impressed with his idea to carry the little Pokemon so everyone knew exactly what he was! Long story short- trick or treating was a blast! He was more excited than he has ever been about Halloween and he, David, and myself enjoyed ourselves!! Big time!! And of course with trick or treating comes long nights due to late dinners, late baths, and late bedtimes due to everyone being on a sugar binge.
Dreading getting up myself this morning, I rolled out of bed and went to Trenton's room to wake him up. Upon turning the door knob, I was quickly awake when realizing that his door was locked. First of all, I don't think he has EVER locked his door! So naturally, I had a moment to where I was stunned trying to figure out why the door was locked. This was before I realized I couldn't actually get in there! Like me, Trenton is an extremely hard sleeper. So hard that I think a riot could break out in our house and neither he or I would ever even flinch, let alone wake up. So there I stood, beating and banging on his bedroom door as if a state of emergency had been declared, and no response. Frantically I was trying to find one of the little keys to unlock the door, but go figure that when you actually need one for the first time, you cant find it. So not only was I freaking out trying to figure out how to get in my child's room in order to get him to school on time, I then started thinking about what if he had gotten up after I put him in bed to eat a piece of candy and had gotten choked on it or something and that is why I couldn't get him up to get the door. Call me crazy, but I literally was freaking out this morning! I was scared to death! Finally, David heard all of the chaos and got up to see what was going on.... and he too was trying to unlock the door and he too had no luck. Finally, after almost 2 hours of this- we got the door open and there laid Trenton sound asleep. Talk about being relieved. By the time 2 hours had passed, I had made myself sick with these thoughts! Gosh, i cant even describe the feeling I had while that door was locked! Yes, he was going to be extremely late for school... so being he hasn't hardly missed any days this year, I decided to just let him stay home with me for the day. For one, he and I haven't had a day together at all since I started work and he and I have been missing each other terribly. To the point that Trenton has even been asking me to quit my job in order to spend more time with him like we are both used to. :( But although the morning started out scary, chaotic, and random.... our day turned out perfect! He was the best little thing all day long and we had a really good day together. Last night on the way home from trick or treating, Trenton said "this has been the best night ever hasn't it mommy and David?" :) And tonight when putting him to bed, and after assuring him he better not lock the door, He said "this has been the best day and night ever hasn't it mommy?" There is nothing better than hearing your child tell you how happy he is in life and how happy he is spending time with you. I just pray that he and I will remain this way the rest of our lives! And I have a prettttttty good feeling, we will always have this very unique, special bond that we have.
Oh- and for the record, Trenton did not lock the door on purpose! He too had no idea that it was locked! :) But like I always say, leave it to us, and it WILL happen!! Always!!! :)
Welcome to my life! :)